$5 says some sister is going to get creative with a sewing machine and she'll show up at the hall in "Paradise Clothes."
Then start selling them online with JW dot org pins already attached.
anyone else notice this on the last video of the regional convention 2016?.
frame stills:.
conclusion: it seems that the paradise will not be only the end of wickedness but also the end of the jws typical cheap polyester suits :-p.
$5 says some sister is going to get creative with a sewing machine and she'll show up at the hall in "Paradise Clothes."
Then start selling them online with JW dot org pins already attached.
i don't really engage in doctrinal discussions about jw's anymore.
they seem to say some pretty crazy stuff.
but i have read some threads discussing doctrinal changes and how watchtower is really out of ideas and money at the same time.
"There have been some reports of brothers selling their homes and moving into compounds out in rural territory where the need is greater. What a fine way to spend the remaining months until Armageddon."
anyone else notice this on the last video of the regional convention 2016?.
frame stills:.
conclusion: it seems that the paradise will not be only the end of wickedness but also the end of the jws typical cheap polyester suits :-p.
Jookbeard, I worry about a Waco style siege, too.
After all, they are moving to a compound in rural New York state.
is something going on in jw land i don't know about.
she and her new husband and my two.
grand daughters, one i have never seen.
Wow! This is amazing! We all just wait and wait for good experiences like this and they rarely happen.
I am so excited for you!
It's a shame you haven't met your granddaughter until now, but, how amazing is that? I hope you are able to build a relationship with her.
some have been df'd for suspicion of smoking cigarettes, yet bro.
rogers death is because of an addiction, fentanyl is what they are saying is the drug that did him in which was reported on the news as being more potent than heroine.
why is it that some nosy sister can report you because someone who looked like you was in the parking lot the same time as she was, yet bro.
It's a good thing that Brother Prince Rogers Nelson had his funeral in the KH before his autopsy.
Now they've got plausible deniability.
even though, i was raised in a witness home, i never remember hearing that girl scout cookies were a no-no.
and even though i've only been baptized for a few years, i don't remember any specific admonishment of these sweet treats.
but recently at work a jdub coworker made it a point to remind me that jw's do not buy or eat girl scout cookies.
Yup, Girl Scout cookies were a big no no for us, too.
Also, if you attended a carnival or street festival, you could never buy food from any churches or church organizations.
Better to give your $5 for lunch to the local Rotary Club.
Interestingly, you could not join 4H, but it was okay to buy food from them at the local fair.
the title above is a question asked by my wife seemingly hundreds of times in 1993, the year our only child was disfellowshipped.
the entire story exceeds the reasonable limits of this forum and i have to suppress the urge to write it.
instead, i will give little snippets, what a certain elder said at this or that point, how jehovah's organization treated us, how we handled our gradual awakening to, yes, "the truth about the truth.
Eh, I was very sorry and it didn't seem to matter to the committee that disfellowshipped me.
Sometimes they have an agenda and they set out to make someone an example, regardless of their own rules and guidelines.
there are many new posters here, and i'm very interested to learn why you chose your screen names.. .
one book i read, the mists of avalon, was very important to me.
among the main characters was merlin, who in the book, was called "taliesen".
Tal, I always suspected that you had left out an "i."
But, I thought it referred to Frank Lloyd Wright's home and architecture school, Taliesin.
My name is a reference to the old book Listening to the Great Teacher that my parents studied with me when I was a kid. Not sure everyone here is old enough to remember it. Also, I am a teacher, so...
I had to add the extra r when I joined this site (I was GreatTeacher on the old JWSF) because GreatTeacher was already taken, though I've never seen hid nor hair of him or her.
But, I kind of regret it. If you don't know that book from the '60s /70s, then it sounds like I'm bragging. I'm a perfectly adequate teacher, but I wouldn't call myself "great."
i was visiting with my family and it seems the rc was worse than i thought.
now they all seem to think that "we are so close to the end" and that the "brothers are really preparing us for the gt".
some even saying that soon our message will change to a judgement message for mankind and talking about how we need to improve "everything we do".
Great, mom will be a paranoid basket case when she gets home from this convention.
At least I don't have to live with her, anymore.
yes, we could have been born in an alley in calcutta or with the physical deformities associated with thalidomide.
instead, we were born into or introduced to a repressive, american, religious cult, that shielded us from the warmongering game of chess, the militaristic boy scouts, fornication-inducing sock hops, the twist, as well as the hokey pokey.
we heeded the warnings, avoiding the greedy self-worship associated with masturbation, decadent rock 'n roll and anything preceded by the word "extra-curricular.".
I was one of a very small group of white people attending a Historically Black University.
Yes, it was culture shock in many ways, and yes I learned a hell of a lot, as well as earning my degree.
I am way more conversant in differing points of view now.