This really bothers me. As if it's everyone else's problem to supply babies to others.
I can't help but feel that cheapens life by commodifying it.
a close friend of mine who is pimo (only staying in for family reasons) in a neighboring congregation called me in tears tonight saying her dad (elder) is telling her he is seriously considering reporting her to her local elders and she could get disfellowshipped.. the reason?
because she is complicit in a gross sin, according to him, by going with her best friend (not a j.w.
) when the friend had an abortion.
This really bothers me. As if it's everyone else's problem to supply babies to others.
I can't help but feel that cheapens life by commodifying it.
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
Not really expert on UK politics, but I have to report that this made the news in the US. I heard it while driving to work.
May seems to have seriously miscalculated.
Not sure, but I'm just figuring that she was trying to pre-empt any complaints about Brexit in advance by making sure she had a mandate.
But, other than that, I don't really understand why she called an election.
*dumb American scratches head*
i was a baptised brother born in a jw family with my dad as the elder.
i left (or fade) a year ago and i am still a student studying in college.
i would like to post something here since i have quite a complicated feeling after a year out.
"A vicious cycle of hard life"
That's a great way to describe the difficult life that people face without an education that will allow them to provide for their material needs.
It's one thing to be poor as you start out in life. It's quite another to face poverty for a lifetime.
i was raised a jw and am currently pioneer in a foreign language congregation.
i have been unhappy on and off with my involvement in this religion and am ready to step back again.
growing up i was always active but extremely reserved and a low hour publisher.
Yup, that's where the religion puts you: all alone. It's deliberate; people who don't have the skillset (by design) to make it in the world will run right back to the organization, where they might also feel alone and unable to share their true selves without fear of ostracism.
Look, I understand wanting to get married, wanting a relationship. But, what would you be bringing to it? You're working part-time and still living at home. People are looking for others who will pull their weight in a relationship. Those who have careers are attractive. Those who can take care of themselves independently are attractive.
My first advice would be to get a "real" job, one with benefits and enough income so you can begin supporting yourself. This will build self-esteem and help you "find" yourself. You seem lost, as if you don't really know who you are, and, therefore, what you want. This is normally a task started in adolescence and finished by the early twenties or so.
It's no accident that JWs are stuck at that stage. Every part of life has a pre-formed set of ideas/ rules surrounding it: marriage, family, career, time-management, beliefs. If you don't think too hard about it, you might actually believe that those are your personal opinions, too. But, when you do think hard on it, you realize that you really don't know what your personal opinions are because you've never had to think about it. You wouldn't recognize a personal opinion if hit you on the head!
So, to begin to get to know yourself, you have to give the gift of time to yourself. Time to do things that will help you find you. Most people do this through career to begin with. Then, once you're a confident person, confident in yourself, you attract other people. Self-support is critical. Every person needs the dignity that comes from knowing that you can take care of yourself and your needs no matter what happens.
I think that's where you need to start.
3 male passengers then get out and start stabbing / shooting people according to early reports.. but it could have been anyone for any reason, who knows, possibly jehovahs witnesses or amish.. maybe we'll never know the reason but i'm sure there will be people praying for those involved and hashtags.. thus solving the problem once and for all.. just "life in a big city" according to the muslim mayor of london, sadiq khan..
Can confirm, Bungi Bill, US police officers are not trained to wound; they are trained to stop the target.
This is also known as making sure you're the one who goes home at the end of your shift.
As far as not all policemen having the skills to be armed, in the US, if you don't have the skills, you don't become a police officer.
i've been watching this reality tv program called "catfish".
it deals with people who have had a rough deal with internet dating e.g fake profile, money scams etc.
any way there was one episode that really stuck out to me that made me realized the power of cognitive dissonance in dealing with jws.
You can ignore a lot of red flags when you really want to believe that something is true.
When you're wearing rose-colored glasses, red flags just look like flags.
please chime in if you're one of my kindred spirit that happens to literally be trapped in due to strong family/friends ties, or plain fear of being abandoned in old age.. although leaving the org is my ultimate wish and desire, fear of the unknown, fear of how it would change my family dinamics, plain fear alone paralyzes me.
how do you cope in this difficult situation?
I'm sorry, DY.
If you're an introvert, you slog through the loneliness, slowly rebuild a new life and after a year or two (or three) you recover and rebuild a new life.
If you're an extrovert, I understand how daunting that might feel to give up the social activity that the congregation provides, not to mention the distressing possibility of losing family.
There are no easy answers. I understand the fear of losing emotional and financial support of family.
It seems like you're stuck with choosing the "least awful" alternative.
Please use us for support. Though it's "virtual," it's no less real than real-life friendships. Lots of folks here are willing to meet up in real life, too. If you live near DC, you can PM me and I would love to meet up!
We've been there. It's hard. No one is promising "easy." In fact, we can promise "hard," but it's the kind of "hard" that works like a trial by fire; you're stronger on the other side.
i read that many people get their news from facebook.
i look online mostly at fox news and the drudge report.
very seldom do i look at cnn.😎.
There is no "The Media."
There are dozens of different news outlets, each with their own particular flavor.
You've got to look at it all and then come to your own conclusions.
would like to see your responses ~.
kapitan kovfefe is a man of his word - well ...twisted word ~ .
Yes, redistribution of wealth is such an evil thing. Let's stop it all, now!
It might help the traffic situation. If we could just keep those damn poor people off the roads they didn't pay any tax money for...
would like to see your responses ~.
kapitan kovfefe is a man of his word - well ...twisted word ~ .
Well of course he did.
He wants to make a better deal. He has to be in on the deal-making. It's his thing.