Is that you, Kevin??
JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
My final topic
by pomo6780 ini have noted that the irritable part of me got the better of me when posting about j f rutherford.
i acknowledge that a few on here have pointed out flaws in my reasoning and the way i reason.
and i agree with them.
Are You Spending More Money This Year With The Economy Being Better?
by minimus ini see more people this year in an optimistic mood because of the economy.
will you be spending more money đź’° this year, or less or about the same as last year?.
Ah, I bought a new car last year, so I'm spending plenty of money on car payments for 4 more years.
Somewhat ironically, my first payment disappeared out of my account on Christmas day last year. It made me kind of dislike automated payments.
I am grateful for leaving the watchtower corporation. Innit!
by punkofnice ini dislike long here it is.. i suffered for my religion, now it's your turn.. when i first left the corporation my life exploded into a suicidal chaos.. my family broke up.
i lost my so called friends.. luckily, i had worldly friends from all walks of life that supported me, even though they had no idea why i was so suicidal.
in as much as they hadn't left cults.. i went from the corporation to a baptist church.
I know I'm a weirdo, but I kinda enjoy the fact that life's meaningless.
It frees me from the struggle of trying to find meaning in everything; trying to make all the pieces fit.
I'm no longer interested in even creating a coherent meaningful story to explain the events in the arc of my life.
Yeah, work sucks. It's work, it's supposed to. But, my weekends are mine and if I don't have anything more meaningful to do than look forward to a good cup of coffee in the morning and a perusal of the internet in the afternoon, then that's fine by me.
Oh, and some good quality laundry time. God, I love the smell of laundry soap and bleach!
Another reason Watchtower may be hurting financially
by shepherdless ini don't think anyone else has raised this point.
below i set out the case that the jw demographic in usa has a steadily decreasing combined income, and as a consequence, has less money to donate.
not only is the flock not growing, the flock is producing less wool for the borg to fleece.
Does Watchtower somehow aggregate financial data about its members?
It would make sense that they should if they are depending on donations now rather than the sales of literature.
Any good corporation would have information on the demographics of its customers in order to market to them and adjust their business model.
So, my question is: does Watchtower know how much income its members have and the liklihood of their spending some of it on WT?
Does anybody know?
Another boa, another pig!
by Slidin Fast ini was just thinking about the way dubs are required to swallow huge indigestible lumps of “spiritual” food without question like a boa swallows a pig.. our batch had the "overlapping generation" presented amongst many other travesties.
the gb looked us in the eye and dared us not to swallow it whole, don’t complain about indigestion just take it.. can you imagine though being told, post 1914, that the awaited kingdom, christ in all his glory had already happened.
it happened just as foretold.
I like this metaphor.
A lump in yer belly.
Why do some British journalists ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... go full retard whenever an arabic name appears on the autocue, and 'give it the full arabic', so to speak?.
rageh omar is a british somali of sunni muslim heritage so it's understandable when he pronounces arabic names with an arabic pronunciation/accent.. but what about people who have nothing to do with arabic - huw edwards, emily maitlis, moira stewart, etc.?
they don't speak arabic, do they?.
Strange. The American city of La Jolla is pronounced the Spanish way: La Hoya, but the city of Amarillo is pronounced the English way with the l's enunciated rather than "ama reeyo" as it would be pronounced in Spanish.
I don't know the reason behind that.
Repository for JW "experiences" with Hurricane Harvey
by sir82 init's only a matter of time of course..... jw rumor mills will start up soon, with stories of how jws were "first on the scene" as the flood waters receded..... how the red cross and/or us national guard and/or doctors without borders and/or [you name it] were marveling at just how "organized" the jws are..... how zealous jws were pulling their trolleys thru ankle-deep water to "offer comfort" to victims, by giving them - sandwiches?
bottled water?
to offer them comfort by giving them 16 page "magazines" to read in their spare time..... so as the stories start to come in, you can "deposit" those little nuggets of bs here.. once collected, we'll wrap them in a pretty bow and flush them away where other instances of pure manure go..
When our house was damaged by hurricane Sandy, an adjustor came out to appraise the damage and we got a check a few days later.
We chose our own contractor, but the insurance company didn't want receipts or proof that the work was sound. They wrote the check and washed their hand of it.
We could've just patched the roof and pocketed the excess money, but we replaced the roof and did the other related work the right way.
I can't imagine people just getting a patch, a lick and a promise, and then donating the entire check amount.
Please tell me people don't actually do that.
Breaking News - NK Missile Overflies Japan
by cofty instory breaking on reuters here.... kim jong-un seems determined to start a war.
nk is a national cult of personality.
hating the rest of the world is the first tenet of faith..
Nope, not the actual launching of missiles. There was bluster and faking, but he really enjoys playing War Games with Trump.
Hollywood messed up another one
by hothabanero ini am a big superhero fan and was looking forward to "the defenders".
the first two episodes are great but then ... liberalism happens.
one of the heroes (luke cage, big black guy) goes on this crazy rant, like a liberals wet dream of the bravehearth speech.
Simon, that rant could have come from a liberal's mouth exactly, just switch up right and left, a few years ago.
Breaking News - NK Missile Overflies Japan
by cofty instory breaking on reuters here.... kim jong-un seems determined to start a war.
nk is a national cult of personality.
hating the rest of the world is the first tenet of faith..
Kim Jong Crazy didn't start acting this way until he found someone just as crazy who he thought would be willing to play.
Fun times in the sandbox.