I live on an island and I am counting on sea level rise to give me waterfront property.
That would surely increase the property value.
wow, just watched a video from the 'world economic forum' , a respectable organization by the way, not the usual conspiracy lunatic theorist.
it says that by 2030 meat is gonna be a treat not widely available like today, that the us is not gonna be a global superpower anymore, instead a handful of countries will dominate and that people is not gonna own nothing but will be happy.. well, that would help the borg to keep the craziness going on.. thoughts?
what's this great reset?.
I live on an island and I am counting on sea level rise to give me waterfront property.
That would surely increase the property value.
BTW, Pants of Righteousness is an awesome username!
This is awesome!
However, is it just the Branch and not individual congregations?
People who work in the warehouses complain that they treat the robots better than the people. The robots get pulled out of service after so many hours and get their tune-up. The people literally have to get out of the way of the robots and can't make a move or walk in a way that is not preprogrammed.
Warehouse work can be tough physically, but people said it got much worse as soon as the robots came online. The laborsaving devices made it much worse for the meat laborers.
* first i would like to say.....i apologize to my son's everyday for getting them involved in this cult because i took so much from them as far as celebrating holidays go.
they are now 22 and 17 great kids.
they want nothing to do with the cult.
I love being the parent of a young adult boy. He's in college so I'm trying to back off and let him figure out classes, applications, term papers and projects.
I listen to problems, sympathize, and only step in when I have to. It's a letting go type of parenting. And the point is the launch into independence!
I'm working on the financial literacy part of life now. The kid works summers and one day a week during school and he wants to buy a used car. So, the parenting still is going on, just different.
You are doing great with your own boys. Keep loving them unconditionally!
And a merry Christmas to you too!
we were told by watchtower that no way jesus was born on dec. 25th.
what do you think now?.
WTWiz, I'm with you on this one.
I tend toward seasonal depression which gets triggered by the short daylight. I start feeling better in February as the days get longer.
But, the actual day that you know is the shortest day is such a huge relief. And when you actually start noticing the days getting slightly longer round about Christmas day, it feels miraculous. It really does feel like your life force is coming back. I literally follow the sun around the house during the day. I sit on a sofa in the rear of my house right next to a window first thing in the morning. Then the sun moves to the bedrooms and bathrooms so I'll hang out cleaning or whatever in those rooms while they're sunny. About dinner time the sun moves around to the living room in the front and I hang out there and in the dining room in the evenings. It literally makes me feel sad when the sun goes down for the day.
And, merry Christmas to those who celebrate the religious or secular Christmas in addition to the pagan sun worship!
as i get ready to go to sleep, i realize that it is already christmas day for everyone in se asia.. i know not everyone celebrates, but it can be a big deal to exjws who were denied the fun and wonder as children.. i have been out since i was a very young adult and have celebrated christmas first with my in-laws and then with my own child and absolutely love the season.. i am also enjoying this quieter covid christmas.
just my direct family tonight for christmas eve.
my son is 19 so i don't have to wait till he finally falls asleep and build all the toys, then get up super early on christmas day anymore.
As I get ready to go to sleep, I realize that it is already Christmas day for everyone in SE Asia.
I know not everyone celebrates, but it can be a big deal to exJWs who were denied the fun and wonder as children.
I have been out since I was a very young adult and have celebrated Christmas first with my in-laws and then with my own child and absolutely love the season.
I am also enjoying this quieter Covid Christmas. Just my direct family tonight for Christmas eve. My son is 19 so I don't have to wait till he finally falls asleep and build all the toys, then get up super early on Christmas day anymore. But I still like to fill his stocking with candy overnight. Funnily enough, it's been our tradition to give him chocolates wrapped up like coal in a fake nod to naughtiness.
How are you enjoying your day? Any traditions you've created yourselves?
I'll check back in tomorrow!
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
Extraordinarily good news!
right now i would like to see how good the vaccine really is.
i’ve never taken a flu shot and so far, no flu..
Minimus, I'm sure you're right at some people being more immune to sickness than others. Some of that might be about how healthy one is in general. Someone who eats well, sleeps enough, exercises, doesn't smoke and isn't overweight might be less susceptible than someone who is the exact opposite.
Also, I think some people might tolerate (strange word) sickness better than others, or get well faster. I don't tolerate lower respiratory illnesses very well because it activates my asthma, and let's face it, not getting enough oxygen is not a healthy state to be in when one is fighting an illness. So, I basically end up fighting two illnesses at once which slows down my recovery. If it's just a head cold with stuffy nose and sneezing, I can work right through that. Sure, I'll look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but I can keep going through that!
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
I will say that my cousin had a knee replacement done in January of this year and she said that the recovery was worse for the knee than the hip replacement she previously had done.
It does tend to be rather routine. My MIL has had one done and I hardly heard a peep out of her and she's high maintenance! She very much enjoyed the personal attention at her physical therapy sessions, so that is very important to a good recovery.
About opioids: cutting into bone can be intensely painful. Opioids are recommended for severe pain for a limited period of time. It is okay to take opioids in hospital or for a few days afterward if necessary. If you're still in pain at that point, you should definitely tell your doctor because that might indicate other complications. Your pain should go down steadily.
You can take a half a pill and see what that does before you take a whole pill if you are worried about opioids. I've been through emergency hip surgery with my father from a car wreck and my husband has had spinal surgery. Both of them were given opioids in hospital with the dosage adjusted down steadily before discharge. Home prescriptions were lower dosage and limited. Then they limited it themselves even further with a dosage before bed for sleep the last to go, and then switched to ibuprofen as soon as possible.
It's standard here to get post-OP pain meds that are self-dosing immediately after surgery. You get a little plunger to hit when you're in pain and it will release more drugs, but only up to a preset amount. Research has shown that people use less drugs when they are self-administered.
Not to belabor the point, but opioid pain medications have a time and a place and that is after major surgery in hospital and a short time thereafter. If the pain continues there may be something wrong and you should see your doctor.
In general, though, it's a well-tolerated surgery and I've never heard anyone regret having it done. In fact, people are usually relieved at not being in constant pain and become more active.
Best of luck!