James Jack, this post just makes me sad. This is a long, roundabout way to let me know you have no advice to give me about my kitchen remodel.
After being on this site for years, I have watched it change. The many positive threads have diminished and controversial threads have predominated.
I've looked back at my own posts and have frankly not liked what I've seen. I've had a grumpy, "you kids get off my lawn!" tone that doesn't really represent who I am.
In my real life, none of this kind of stuff ever gets talked about. Certainly never religion and politics. I'm known as friendly, funny and easy to get along with. Would people here know that with the recent tone of conversation? Maybe not.
The only way to amend that is to outpost negative comments with positive. I've chosen to do that by posting some personal purchase/finance threads recently, including my recent kitchen remodeling post as well as my recent auto purchase thread. I don't know why talking about the practicalities of buying a car has been appreciated, but asking for advice on remodeling a kitchen has been so controversial.
In my mind, living a successful ex JW life is one of the biggest challenges to be faced. With little exposure to the world, exJWs might not know how to buy a car, buy a house or manage financials. Some people don't know how to leave home, get a job, or rent an apartment. We're all at different places, yet we can all help each other. I'm sure some people here have a half million dollar net worth or more, while others have half a dollar to get through until the end of the month.
I'm not sure whether you're the guy who lived an approved life of JW poverty and think any talk of home ownership is out of the picture and therefore a moot subject, or you own your home, have remodeled it to perfection so as to not overimprove or underimprove, and therefore believe it's a stupid subject because "everybody knows that!"
If you're the latter, that's rather stingy, but if you're the former, I would say there are a lot of people here who know about homebuying and how it's key to building wealth, which, after all, just means security. Living in your primary investment vehicle is usually an excellent financial goal, and there is a lot of crowd wisdom here that many people would be more than willing to share and many would be more than willing to take.
I have often thought about starting a series of posts on practical information for living a good life after the JWs. Maybe topics like: moving out of your parents' house, finding a job, finding an apartment, buying a house, renovating a house, opening a checking/savings account, planning for retirement, investments, etc. Depending on your age leaving the JWs any of those topics might possibly be appropriate.
I, personally, have been out all of my adult life and am interested in my house as a primary investment vehicle, retirement investing, and career planning until retirement. I am thankful that, through the years, I've had lots of people willing to share what they know very unselfishly because they, as well as myself, want everyone to live their best exJW life.
In all kindness and charity,