It makes me laugh when you guys talk about how wasteful it is buying Starbucks because I totally agree, making your own and putting it in a to go cup makes so much more sense monetarily, but also it reminds me of when I was dating my husband.
We would be out riding around, and he would fill up the tank and go in and buy a soda which I thought was outrageous! Who does that? You bring your own drinks from home. You pack your own lunch for work. What an absolute waste of $2! My God, if you do that everytime you're out and about, you could waste $20 a month! What kind of a monstrous profligate spender are you?
And then, he paid the bonus $1 on top of the fill up to buy a token for the, wait for thru car wash!! What in the actual...? Who does that? You wash your car at home use the vacuum there, too! I had only a few times used a public car wash, and it was the do it yourself kind where you put the quarters in and you'd better get finished before the water ran out and there was no dryer!
I had never been in such a thing. Wait! You can stay in the car? It drags the car along the platform? It soaps and washes? And then dries? And spits you out the other end? I was absolutely dumbfounded. And also a little enchanted. I was a very cheap date!
30 years later and we still have very different money styles, but I won on the packing of lunches. We both still pack lunches, drinks and coffee every day for work. If I ever get a Coke from the machine it's because I'm very stressed or overheated and dehydrated, but it's very rare and it still pings my heart to hear those three quarters clink in the machine!