Eh, I was very sorry and it didn't seem to matter to the committee that disfellowshipped me.
Sometimes they have an agenda and they set out to make someone an example, regardless of their own rules and guidelines.
the title above is a question asked by my wife seemingly hundreds of times in 1993, the year our only child was disfellowshipped.
the entire story exceeds the reasonable limits of this forum and i have to suppress the urge to write it.
instead, i will give little snippets, what a certain elder said at this or that point, how jehovah's organization treated us, how we handled our gradual awakening to, yes, "the truth about the truth.
Eh, I was very sorry and it didn't seem to matter to the committee that disfellowshipped me.
Sometimes they have an agenda and they set out to make someone an example, regardless of their own rules and guidelines.
there are many new posters here, and i'm very interested to learn why you chose your screen names.. .
one book i read, the mists of avalon, was very important to me.
among the main characters was merlin, who in the book, was called "taliesen".
Tal, I always suspected that you had left out an "i."
But, I thought it referred to Frank Lloyd Wright's home and architecture school, Taliesin.
My name is a reference to the old book Listening to the Great Teacher that my parents studied with me when I was a kid. Not sure everyone here is old enough to remember it. Also, I am a teacher, so...
I had to add the extra r when I joined this site (I was GreatTeacher on the old JWSF) because GreatTeacher was already taken, though I've never seen hid nor hair of him or her.
But, I kind of regret it. If you don't know that book from the '60s /70s, then it sounds like I'm bragging. I'm a perfectly adequate teacher, but I wouldn't call myself "great."
i was visiting with my family and it seems the rc was worse than i thought.
now they all seem to think that "we are so close to the end" and that the "brothers are really preparing us for the gt".
some even saying that soon our message will change to a judgement message for mankind and talking about how we need to improve "everything we do".
Great, mom will be a paranoid basket case when she gets home from this convention.
At least I don't have to live with her, anymore.
yes, we could have been born in an alley in calcutta or with the physical deformities associated with thalidomide.
instead, we were born into or introduced to a repressive, american, religious cult, that shielded us from the warmongering game of chess, the militaristic boy scouts, fornication-inducing sock hops, the twist, as well as the hokey pokey.
we heeded the warnings, avoiding the greedy self-worship associated with masturbation, decadent rock 'n roll and anything preceded by the word "extra-curricular.".
I was one of a very small group of white people attending a Historically Black University.
Yes, it was culture shock in many ways, and yes I learned a hell of a lot, as well as earning my degree.
I am way more conversant in differing points of view now.
one of the things i could never understand is people handing over absolute control to these charlatans.
i know over the years they have bashed owning pets for various reasons.
complete stupidity.
I love this story. Thanks for sharing Defianttruth.
I had a cat who was my heart for 18 years.
When he passed on, we got a new kitten. I had forgotten all about kitten hijinks like climbing the curtains, attacks from under the sofa, quick escapes out the door.
But he's maturing now and is settling down a little. He loves to snuggle with me in bed, and there's nothing more wonderful than a purring, cat-shaped footwarmer at the foot of the bed.
yes, we could have been born in an alley in calcutta or with the physical deformities associated with thalidomide.
instead, we were born into or introduced to a repressive, american, religious cult, that shielded us from the warmongering game of chess, the militaristic boy scouts, fornication-inducing sock hops, the twist, as well as the hokey pokey.
we heeded the warnings, avoiding the greedy self-worship associated with masturbation, decadent rock 'n roll and anything preceded by the word "extra-curricular.".
I learned to tolerate lots of boredom at the meetings.
I've since unlearned that skill.
this sweet older sister needed help and while trying to download the clm on her tablet, the history showed some porn pictures.
how does someone overlook that and carry on?.
That poor guy is gonna get an earfull tonight...
i was in a close relatives house yesterday and she was having angry and resentful at the push to use electronic devices at the meetings.
she was talking to another relative of mine who has just got an ipad to use.
this relative of mine is very elderly and obviously prefers to use her bible and other books.
It seems like no matter the decision and no matter the internal controversy at the top about that decision, once it's made, they go gung ho.
They could have made a dual system available where the younger ones could use all the technology they like, while they also acknowledge that the older folks may still prefer paper and make that an acceptable decision as well.
They would still reduce costs for printing, but it's like they need a black or white pronouncement: print is bad, electronic is good.
Another measure of a cult.
this is a story of two jw couples, brother jerk and his wife sister pleasant, brother easy going.
the ocean.. sister pleasant: wife!
brother jerk.
True that, true that.
time to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Well, it finally stopped raining, but then it was unseasonably cold. It finally warmed up this week, and I got my flowers!
I usually buy garden packs of small annuals and plant my own, a different color scheme every year.
This year it was so late that I bought preplanted flowers; 5 window box planters of miniature petunias that I just popped into the window boxes. Each one has fuschia, yellow and red/ orange blooms and they are already spilling over the edges!
Then I bought 3 planters of bright red geraniums that are full grown and I just lined my front deck with them. So, you walk in behind the geraniums but in front of my petunia flowerboxes to get to the front door. I love sitting out on that front deck. I feel totally pampered to have fully grown flowers in May. Unfortunately, I paid a lot more than I normally do. Maybe next year I'll have to go back to the cheap way.
My hydrangeas are in large containers in my back yard, but they are not doing so well. They started to bloom in the early spring, but then it turned cold again and they shriveled up. Now they are leafy green, but are not growing very vigorously. No signs of blooming yet. I may have to plant them in the ground. I wasn't sure where I wanted them, so I planted them in containers last year and they did well. It might be time to make up my mind about where to plant them.
Thanks for the pictures, Xanthippe. I love gardens. I planted them with my grandmother when I was young and I have the best memories surrounding flowers.
Best of luck with your gardening, everyone.