I love the descriptor "thought trap."
JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
A jw thought trap
by purrpurr ini've been watching louis therouxs documentary about scientology.
one of the thought traps they createn in people is that they make them belive that all good things come from following the doctrines correctly and all bad things come from not doing so.
and in this way it becomes a thought trap where the person is self regulated mentally by trying ever harder to be more indoctrinated.
I asked my son to stop playing football.
by The Rebel ini asked my son to stop playing football.
it was a simple kick about he was playing with a friend using the garage door as the goal.
i then went to my home and thought no more about it.
Yes, always explain. It builds up their knowledge about life.
Even during a crucial safety moment l>ke fire drills at school, I'll correct them, for example for talking, and then quickly explain why:
"Stop talking! You can't hear teacher directions in case they might change during an emergency!"
This works so much better than, "Stop talking or you'll all lose your recess."
I mean it literally works better, as in more students getting quiet when you give a legitimate reason than when you threaten punishment. You have many fewer kids losing recess time that way.
Girls are unpredictable, materialist, and use us, men, as a toy - Part 2
by will-be-apostate inwell here am i, a couple of years passed since my original post (link here), somewhat less mysoginistic, more open to relationships, heartbroken again.
this is an official "fuck my life" thread.. being chased by the elders makes one arrive at the conclusion that there is nothing better than not being chased by the elders.
i had a pre-jc meeting a week ago.
Jeez, without having an issue with extramarital sex, some people are okay with casual sex personally, and some are monogamous personally.
So, your empirical evidence is great, DJS, and I would agree, while also being a person who is extremely monogamous. Fortunately my husband is, too, so my world is happy.
So, you do you and whatever works for you and your partners and I'm cool with that, so it'd be awesome to hear some love for those of us who are monogamists at heart.
Happy New Year! My personal success this year...
by GrreatTeacher inwe've just got finished banging the pots and pans and screaming on the front porch.
a few shotgun shots ( i hope they were blanks!
) and we can hear the low rumble of the fireworks in baltimore about 25 miles away.
Thanks, freddo, for reminding me that I should be proud of myself. Yes, I did get away from jwland and I did manage to finish college. I really wish the same for everyone else on this forum, too!
Smiddy, that means a lot to me that you still remember the teacher that you credit for your success. It's what teachers hope for when they start teaching. Then it gets hard when you realize that you also have to be parent, nurse, psychologist, security expert, etc. But, you truly do hope that something you teach will get through to them and stick with them for a lifetime!
My kids are in third grade which means 8 years old and turning 9 through the school year. It truly is the year where they come in as babies and leave as big kids with individual variations. Some of them need hugs and love and others are already roughed up by the streets and need me to assert my dominance. (The streets don't matter in my classroom; I'm in charge.) So, I have to say things as varied as:
"Good morning, pumpkin? How are you this morning? Ready to learn?"
"You look tired this morning. Did that new baby wake you up last night?"
"Oh, you look like you don't feel well, sweetheart. Here, let me check your forehead to see if it's hot."
"Oh, no, no, no. I know he made you angry, but you cannot get out of your seat and go challenge him to his face in my classroom."
"The custodian has had complaints about the condition of the Boys bathroom. If you're 8 years old and don't know how to operate a toilet or urinal, please see me after class!"
"I was so excited when I graded your papers. You all did very well!"
"Thank you for standing so quietly in line, everyone. We are setting a great example when we walk past kindergarten!"
"If you waste my time by talking in class so I can't teach, then I am taking it back during recess. The timer starts now."
"You may not act that way in my class. You may not kick chairs and desks and scream at people. I'm calling the office. You have to leave."
"Have you taken your medicine this morning?"
"I am so sorry that happened to you, hon. I'll see if you can go talk to the counselor."
"You may think you are in charge here, but you are not. Period. Whose name is on that door? Welcome to my house!"
"Since you think you're so funny, I'm going to email Grandma right now and share that with her. Would you like that?"
"John, come here. Your father is on the phone. He told me to call him if you ever acted up again."
"The new chapter books are here! You may check them out from my library cart. Who wants to be librarian?"
"You guys make me so proud! The music teacher told me our class is the best behaved in the whole 3rd grade!"
And that is the schizophrenic life of a teacher in a high-poverty urban school. Never easy. Never uneventful. Always got to be on your toes!
Paid every other week, with fewer zeros on the end than I would prefer!
Happy New Year! My personal success this year...
by GrreatTeacher inwe've just got finished banging the pots and pans and screaming on the front porch.
a few shotgun shots ( i hope they were blanks!
) and we can hear the low rumble of the fireworks in baltimore about 25 miles away.
Thanks, Xanthippe!
I only have the one child, so at least I only have to go through this teaching him to drive thing once!
Happy New Year! My personal success this year...
by GrreatTeacher inwe've just got finished banging the pots and pans and screaming on the front porch.
a few shotgun shots ( i hope they were blanks!
) and we can hear the low rumble of the fireworks in baltimore about 25 miles away.
Sorry! I meant to post this in the wee hours of the morning last night, but when I checked this morning it was still in the text box. I hope everybody is having a great New Years day!
Happy New Year! My personal success this year...
by GrreatTeacher inwe've just got finished banging the pots and pans and screaming on the front porch.
a few shotgun shots ( i hope they were blanks!
) and we can hear the low rumble of the fireworks in baltimore about 25 miles away.
We've just got finished banging the pots and pans and screaming on the front porch. A few shotgun shots ( I hope they were blanks!) and we can hear the low rumble of the fireworks in Baltimore about 25 miles away. A New Year's kiss from my husband, and now it's time to go pick up my son from his girlfriend's house. He wanted to spend the night (No!) and then he asked to stay to 3am (No!). It's hard letting your 15 year old grow up, or rather, find the right pace to let that happen.
Our goal for 2017? Teach the kid to drive! Yes, he turns 16 this year. Just spent the day turning the Peter Rabbit nursery back into a spare bedroom with a full size bed, convenient when spouses snore!
And time rolls on...
My personal success this year? I started a full-time teaching job in August, so I am officially finished half of my first year teaching! It's been so difficult, but so rewarding, too. Baltimore's a tough town, but there are some really sweet kids and some really smart kids whom I need to push hard so they can reach the next level. I can't save every kid, but I am really going to focus on those I can push forward.
So, I feel gratitude, but trepidation for the final years of child rearing. I'm working, I'm paying off debt, we had a great holiday. So much to be thankful for!
I hope you all will be able to move forward in your journey, wherever it takes you in 2017. Thanks to all of you in this wonderful community. I haven't been able to keep up as much lately, but I think of lots of you often and drop by occasionally to keep up with things.
Ps. I finally earned my name. A little friend of mine that needs a little extra help, but also a little extra discipline threw a paper airplane at me. I angrily snatched it out of the air and scolded the child. A few days later, I was clearing off my desk and found the offending piece of paper. Before I threw it away, I opened it up and there was a hand-drawn picture of this student and myself holding hands. The caption read, "I hav a gret teatcher." I cried. It's for moments like these that I do what I do. I hung it up on a cupboard in my office, pointed it out to the student and thanked him for the sentiment. I then suggested that a direct delivery rather than airmail might have been more appropriate!
Girls are unpredictable, materialist, and use us, men, as a toy - Part 2
by will-be-apostate inwell here am i, a couple of years passed since my original post (link here), somewhat less mysoginistic, more open to relationships, heartbroken again.
this is an official "fuck my life" thread.. being chased by the elders makes one arrive at the conclusion that there is nothing better than not being chased by the elders.
i had a pre-jc meeting a week ago.
That girl started lying when she asked you to hold her purse while she went to the bathroom.
Girls always take their purses with them to the bathroom!
Learn signs of deception. And never have sex with someone who is drunk. There are questions of the ability to consent. You put yourself at risk there.
People don't fall in love at first sight. Keep this in mind, both when evaluating the true feelings of others and your own, as well. What you felt was lust, not love.
And she is a very screwed up young woman, out sleeping with others while she has a boyfriend. She brought her "stuff" along with her and shared it with you and now you've got her "stuff" causing you issues.
In general, "Crazy" parties and picks up other men when she's having trouble in her relationship with no serious intentions for the pick up. Despite professing love, which is really only confused feelings.
This situation could happen with men or women.
So, everybody would do well to keep these types of situations in mind and avoid them.
By the way, you find people when you are not expecting it. You are just moving along in your life, dealing with your stuff as a person, and you meet someone new. You may not even pay much attention to this person at first, but since you know how important it is listen to others in order to learn because people will tell you all kinds of things about their character without saying a word on the subject. And, when they pass that sniff test, and you realize you'd like to see them more, then ask if they would, too. Hang out. See how it goes. Eventually, after some time, you might actually fall in love. See, that's how this whole thing really works.
Honest Questions About Child Abuse
by Richard Oliver ini have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
Thank you Ingognito and Saename for bringing up the obvious: the age of consent is totally irrelevant if the sexual contact wasn't consensual.
I have no idea why the OP would think this is relevant at all.
I kept reading page after page and finally you guys nailed it: just because someone is 14 in a place where the age of consent is 14 doesn't mean that that person consented, and if they did not, then that is a sexual crime.
This is actually the most disturbing thing that Richard has asserted in this entire post.
by jhine inl don't visit very often now , but l wanted to drop in to wish all you folks a merry christmas and happy new year .
as l cannot find a thread already started for this l have started one !
in the immortal words of chuck berry ( l think ) " come on everybody " join in wishing your fellow posters a merry christmas , happy holidays etc .
The tree is up, the gifts are wrapped,
The annual bonuses have all been scrapped.
When the credit card companies say, "Payment due!"
All they'll get is, "Merry Christmas to you!"