I grew up, and I couldn't imagine living an adult JW life.
JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
Roll Call for the benefit of Newbies and Lurkers. In One Sentence tell why you left the Org.
by Wasanelder Once inroll call for the benefit of newbies and lurkers.
in one sentence tell why you left the org.
not 2 sentences.
Awww...I'd get her a dug!
Oof. You mean a dawg? Four legs? Tail?
Dog and Doug don't sound the same here. It's "dawg" and "Dug!"
Thirty-Five Years Later
by compound complex inin the market today, i walked down an aisle and glanced over at a middle-aged man and the woman beside him pushing a shopping cart.
i couldn't place the man but recognized the somewhat younger woman, a former student.
when the fellow started talking, i realized it was her brother, also a one-time student.
It's a great feeling when your students tell you that they appreciate your lessons or your support or both.
Hey, humbled.
I never read Douglass until college, but I live near where he grew up, so a lot of his descriptions of places were very vivid to me because I literally knew where they were.
Amazing life story. I teach it to my 4th graders. Proud to be a Marylander.
This is from a speech by Frederick Douglass in 1857 a few years before the outbreak of the American Civil War.
"Find out exactly what people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both."
Cousin's Runaway Girlfriend Living with us
by RunAwayDaughter inmy cousin's girlfriend moved from another state and is now living in our home.
they said she lived in a bad situation, but i don't believe them.
my cousin lies.
Yes, she is extending one olive branch, and that is the invitation to her high school graduation.
If you refuse that, it might cement in her mind that you really don't care, and she might have difficulty turning to you if she actually does want out of her situation.
People who feel they have no one to turn to will feel helpless and stay in bad situations far longer than they might otherwise.
The Beav, Eddie, Wally
by compound complex inwe've all gotten a little older (the beav was about 60 at the time this was taken):.
"Ma, can I have a hunk of milk?"
Languages, Dialects, Accents
by LoveUniHateExams injust though i'd start a thread devoted to languages, dialects/sociolects and accents, with the idea being that posters can comment on any language, or dialect or accent of any language, on this thread.. any phrases, expressions or idioms that you find interesting are also welcome.
first, the subject of english accents came up on another thread.. the british isles have many different types of accent (although many of the dialects may be dying out), and if i start to take a closer look, i can't help but see 'patterns' .... in received pronunciation of standard english, the letter r is pronounced initially, between vowels, and after consonants, e.g.
red, arrow, break.
Thank you, Diogenesister for posting that. I just spent a lovely hour listening to it.
The recordings near the end of famous people from a hundred years ago sound much more American, or at least easier for American ears to understand, than do contemporary British accents.
$5.5 Million to be transferred to World Wide Work from Assembly Hall fund
by Sour Grapes ina letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
A bully/abuser will ramp up abusive behavior to test how much will be tolerated until there is pushback.
The longer that takes, the more contempt they hold for you, reinforcing their belief that you deserve it.
Let the reader use discernment.