Pancake breakfasts? Bull and oyster roasts?
Kingdom Catering could be a whole new direction to go in!
No ladies auxilliary for them! Charge a per person fee and cater congregation picnics! Imagine how quickly they would come back in style!
If that works, branch out into wedding receptions. If you want to get married in the Kingdom Hall, you have to use Kingdom Catering for your reception!
Instead of selling some halls, turn them into catering venues.
Come on folks, surely we can mine the Bible for some appropriate cherry-picked verses to support this!
Jesus, the First Caterer, turned water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana. Enter Kingdom Winery! He turned loaves into fishes to feed his followers! Kingdom fishing charters on the lake in Warwick!
Go with gluttony! It seems to be the one sin that WT has never been concerned with!