Wait, that looks like a granite paperweight.
Take one of those granite countertop sample pieces, stamp JWBorg on it and sell it for, what, maybe $34.99?
A viable business opportunity? 😜
this video makes valid points and the last pictures in the video says it all imo...i knew witnesses who wore the logo in their jewelry.
the sign represents the organization, so the organization is what is really being worshipped instead of god almighty.
Wait, that looks like a granite paperweight.
Take one of those granite countertop sample pieces, stamp JWBorg on it and sell it for, what, maybe $34.99?
A viable business opportunity? 😜
did they hope that everybody who read the1969 awake as a kid is too senile to remember?.
NotFormer, you'll notice that the girl next to her has the same cardigan over long skirt combo.
It's a kind of JW uniform. Not surprising because what they really want is Uniformity not Unity as they say.
So we have this change of dress and grooming standards now with the relaxation of beards.
Maybe someone finally told them that they weren't looking like upstanding members of society anymore, they were looking like JWs! It's easy to pick them out of a crowd.
So, what do they want? To blend in as respectable citizens or look different? They need to decide because the loose polyester suit and long skirt/ cardigan is making them stand out. No one dresses that way anymore.
caught this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud7uob6zck4.
Oh, the money changers in the temple...
this video makes valid points and the last pictures in the video says it all imo...i knew witnesses who wore the logo in their jewelry.
the sign represents the organization, so the organization is what is really being worshipped instead of god almighty.
Meh, slippery slope to idolizing the symbol.
Like blood is the symbol of life, but they'll prioritize the symbol over life itself.
I mean, yeah, they definitely idolize the Organization, but it seems like they've actually gone a step further and are idolizing the symbol now.
Sure, they can make fun of Christians for wearing a cross or crucifix necklace, but you can go online and get your JWBorg lapel pin now too.
there're the obvious ones, like the smurfs.
although why still escapes me.
was it because of the magic, that they were "magical creatures", that there were wizards, etc?.
The Smurfs were hated because of Gargamel the Wizard.
He was the bad guy even within the episodes, so I don't know if that reasoning makes sense.
All this despite the fact that, you know, this was a child's cartoon and clearly fiction.
I was actually allowed to watch the Smurfs because my parents truly saw through the superstition of some Witnesses, despite being hardliners in other respects.
And that's what it was, same with Harry Potter: superstition. A bunch of simple-minded superstitious people, afraid of their shadow and ungrounded in science. Figuratively throwing a pinch of salt over their shoulders when spooked by something.
how many can you think of.... they speak for god.. it would seem presumptuous to say they speak for god,.
they are neither inspired nor infallible.. they are god's only channel for issuing truth here on earth.
they won't be apologising for any errors/falsehoods they have promoted in the past that fail.. congregation members must be quick and apologise for their errors to avoid harsh discipline/disfellowshipping.. when they change a major belief/doctrine you must not complain or criticise them.
NotFormer, just wanted to let you know that I wasn't the one to downvote you.
Thanks for the comment.
In general, I feel like people appreciate directed responses over simple up/down votes, and it keeps conversations lively and interactive.
so, first the turning in time got axed, now beards are okay, what is up next?
women wearing dress slacks to the meeting?
birthdays becoming acceptable?
Nice quick watch of less than 10 minutes.
He points out several control tactics in the latest announcement about beards.
Recommend taking a few minutes to watch.
will self is a well known thinker, journalist and writer here in the uk.
i think this article is absolutely on the money.
in any case, well worth a read.
Hilarious. He gets rid of JWs on his doorstep by saying, "I'm a vampire."
That's not one I've ever heard, but it would've shocked me into leaving immediately!
so, first the turning in time got axed, now beards are okay, what is up next?
women wearing dress slacks to the meeting?
birthdays becoming acceptable?
Well, aren't there 9 members now? So all it would take is 4 of them to block a vote. I think probably Losch, Herd and Lett are all old school. If they were the only ones blocking things, then, yes, they can have their 6 votes which is two thirds now that Tony is gone.
Not sure about Jackson. Is he hard, soft or in between?
But then again, hasn't there been some gobbledygook about the Governing Body trying to vote things through unanimously and if not, they put it aside and discuss it more?
I guess maybe those that make the rules can break the rules and remake the rules, so are they really adhering to the two thirds rule at all now?
did they hope that everybody who read the1969 awake as a kid is too senile to remember?.
I remember being terrified of thunderstorms as a kid. I was just sure it was Jehovah finally unleashing his wrath and the beginning of Armageddon.
I still don't like them much. My husband loves to sit on the porch and watch them. I don't join him.