Hi everyone! Thought I'd pop in with my recolection of the whole "creative days" and dinosaur subject. I am 29 years old, but my parents learned from the "old timers".
I had heard a couple ways of doing this. Much of this came from Fred Franz, and he LOVED to play with numbers. Originally, it was all based upon the 1000 years is but a day to Jehovah God scripture somewhere in the bible. But, Genesis speaks of a "creative day" so Rutherford and Franz speculated that this could be 6,000, 7,000, or even 10,000 years. Yes, I have heard 10,000 year creative day as well.
Now, as for dinosaurs and carbon dating. Carbon dating, is NOT full-proof. Even today, things are being RETESTED and being off as much as 100,000 years!! No bull. This is because we are finding out that carbon is NOT A CONSTANT. There could have been much more, or much less, carbon in the atmosphere in the past, etc. So, carbon dating is not completely full-proof.
As for dinosaurs, here is what I had heard. Dinosaurs roamed the earth BEFORE Adam & Eve were created, and God destroyed them (meteor, Ice Ages, whatever-pick one) so that he could start anew with Paradise. I can almost buy that. But here is what I CAN NOT buy into - I was sometimes told by some JW weirdos that dinosaur bones were deliberately created and placed into the ground by Satan and his demons who thought ahead to modern times, basically the entire fossil record was put into the ground by Satan and his minions in order to throw off those in the future, and to place doubts in the minds of future Christians. No, I am NOT making this crap up! I was actually told that sometimes. I didn't EVER buy that line....ever!!!
And now? Well, it's all pretty vague, isn't it? I mean, why wouldn't God's creative days be a billion years a piece? That would seem to fit better.....last time I checked, I think scientists calculated the earth to be 6.5 billion years old. That works kinda ok, right?
- Wing Commander