Being an elder is more like being part of a police force. The MSs are more like minions of that police force.
The idea of hauling people you may have known all your life into sudden meetings in the back of the kingdom hall in order to smell their dirty laundry and then disfellowhipping friends you've known for years for some rigid decision that came from Brooklyn anyway is of no appeal to men with higher principals and values.
I've started to see subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) egomaniacs and wolves rise to being MSs and elders -- and now this rush? -- will only spell more doom to the congregations as they will further self-destruct from within.
Here is the real reason brothers are not reaching out: There is no spiritual joy in being an MS or Elder anymore.
The spirituality of such responsible positions in the congregation has dwindled since the 70s. Perhaps even earlier. The only ones that are left are those that old or politically connected. The really good men either don't come to the meetings anymore or don't want to be any closer to the mess than they already see.
Hmmm, with a diminished "police force" with more losses projected and less recruits to take up the slack, what will the WTS do? Lower standards or "simplify".
Won't surprise me if the WTS goes back to the one elder per congregation program of many years ago hidden as another "simplification" to hide the fact that they have decimated both the current and future prospects of good men from ever reaching out. And those good men that happen to reach out are soon corrupted or dismayed by what they instead end up doing for most of their servant-time. And for what?