The Bible is the standard of righteousness.
Evolution teaches you only the strong survive.
You wish a world where people are educated in righteousness or educated to look after and advance only themselves?
8 all the law or torah that jehovah inspired moses to write was for this theocratic organization of israel.
so were all the other books that now comprise the hebrew scriptures, or the old testament as some persons refer to them.
The Bible is the standard of righteousness.
Evolution teaches you only the strong survive.
You wish a world where people are educated in righteousness or educated to look after and advance only themselves?
contradiction without the use of an outside medium (such as archaeology, fossil study).
i just stumbled on this after reading the thread about adam and the sexual subliminal message.
i was thinking about adam and eve and chronology, and a contradiction popped up in my i picked up the bible and there it is.. gen 1:27 - god creates adam and eve, tells them to be fruitful.. gen 2:18 - now adam is alone?
roddy: although i do like your icon, you need to read this thread in it's entirety. they contradict themselves as single accounts, and they contradict eachother as dual accounts in contrast to one another. you can throw out the entire chronology and they are still full of holes.
Thank you. I like it too.
I read your first post that started the discussion and so I commented on that first. I'm sure there are those that will agree with you and even chime in with you and those that won't and say why not.
What you point out is what is already known: that the editor of the first couple of chapters of Genesis put together two different points of view and decided to put them side by side instead of attempting to iron out differences to make them a single smooth transition. Perhaps this was done on purpose which I'll touch on later.
Regarding contradictions.
I don't see the contradiction you seem to want to see. A contradiction is when you have two statements that are opposite when both are said in reference to the same thing applying at the same time. And that isn't the case here.
The writer of Genesis tells of Creation in chapter one by emphasizing the sequence of events. There is an orderliness to the description that is lacking in chapter two. Now, in chapter two, the writer is not concerned to tell you about the timing of the events which he has already told you that information in chapter one. Now, he wants to focus on the next important point: the origin of man and woman. Notice how much there is about the male-female relationship in chapter two that is totally missing from chapter one.
So, they don’t contradict one another because they are treating different aspects of the entire creation from different perspectives.
here are some scriptures that show that the world isn't about to end, even according to the bible!
i noticed most of these in my own reading, but this page brings them all together.
i don't believe in the coming system of things, though.. any comments welcome..
I disagree. And I'm sure you know well enough the actual contrary evidence to your claim yourself. But it got my attention so I looked.
the co is at my husbands hall this week so i tied in to the meeting he was going on and on about how there are 140 elders in the circuit and only 80 something ms's.
of the elders 25 are over 75 years old.
of the ms's it was about 20 are over 75 years old.
Being an elder is more like being part of a police force. The MSs are more like minions of that police force.
The idea of hauling people you may have known all your life into sudden meetings in the back of the kingdom hall in order to smell their dirty laundry and then disfellowhipping friends you've known for years for some rigid decision that came from Brooklyn anyway is of no appeal to men with higher principals and values.
I've started to see subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) egomaniacs and wolves rise to being MSs and elders -- and now this rush? -- will only spell more doom to the congregations as they will further self-destruct from within.
Here is the real reason brothers are not reaching out: There is no spiritual joy in being an MS or Elder anymore.
The spirituality of such responsible positions in the congregation has dwindled since the 70s. Perhaps even earlier. The only ones that are left are those that old or politically connected. The really good men either don't come to the meetings anymore or don't want to be any closer to the mess than they already see.
Hmmm, with a diminished "police force" with more losses projected and less recruits to take up the slack, what will the WTS do? Lower standards or "simplify".
Won't surprise me if the WTS goes back to the one elder per congregation program of many years ago hidden as another "simplification" to hide the fact that they have decimated both the current and future prospects of good men from ever reaching out. And those good men that happen to reach out are soon corrupted or dismayed by what they instead end up doing for most of their servant-time. And for what?
contradiction without the use of an outside medium (such as archaeology, fossil study).
i just stumbled on this after reading the thread about adam and the sexual subliminal message.
i was thinking about adam and eve and chronology, and a contradiction popped up in my i picked up the bible and there it is.. gen 1:27 - god creates adam and eve, tells them to be fruitful.. gen 2:18 - now adam is alone?
my last visit to kingdom hall was on memorial day.
since then i have decided skip to meetings and preaching.
the co and his wife visited my congo in the last week of april.
Well, give "Sister A" the benefit of the doubt. She really thinks the elders feels she can be helpful to help you. So that gives her a boost to try to reach out to you. But if you are truly busy, then you can honestly say that you really have a lot on your plate right now. But do thank her for her reaching out to you. Then maybe she'll report back that you do have a lot to sort out right now but you got a lot of encouragement. So maybe they'll give you time now.
my grandma (jw) has been wanting to see one of my first grade son's games for a long time.
she always asks my grandpa to take her, but he hasn't up until this point.
she's called several times to say they were coming, only to have my grandpa back out of taking her as she's unwell, and can't drive anymore.
How about you taking your boy to see grandma? It is apparent she is finding difficulty doing this on her own due to circumstances. Just do it. It will bring the both of you joy. Just do it while you can before it is too late and you wished you did. My two cents.
I thought of something. Sorry to change the subject. Maybe this could be its own subject thread? I sometimes keep my ear to the ground hearing some of the local grapevine of my congregation and other congregations in my circuit. Some elders have quit returning to the rank of publisher. I know of two who simply quit the religion. I have to think that all the Judicial Meetings on apostacy is having an effect. I think I see why someone mentioned why elders simply accept disassociation rather than try to meet with you to "discuss" your problem with your faith and try to change your thinking. I think this is quite an about-face from the past when elders were encouraged to help those who are "weak in their faith". Well, I thought it was interesting.
Depends on your pride level.
Disassociation means you left them. Disfellowshipping means they kicked you out. Both means they announce you out at the next Service Meeting.
I've known those that during their Judicial Meeting they went out in a Blaze Of Glory giving those elders a earfull after earfull of their sins and being proud of that or giving them a well researched talk of WTS errors which they cannot disprove making those elders speechless.
Others simply left and never looked back.
I took the third alternative - I dropped out. And it's been so long they haven't given me a Shepherding Call for years.
i was looking at brotherdan's thread about the two articles that really point out in the wtbs's own words that we must follow this organization, blah blah, and they are indeed a cult from reading those articles.
it made me think that i would love to show my mom and sister that, but i know the response would be "so what, that is a 40 year old magazine," it was dated 1969, and 1983 was the other article i believe.. are the jw's i know the only ones who poo poo older articles and say that thinking isn't up to date anymore, that new thinking has superceded those new articles?
even though we know that the overall thinking is the same.
1. The light gets brighter and brighter.
2. If an older Watchtower contradicts a newer Watchtower, the newer Watchtower is brighter.