>>Alask and Hawaii are just too far from the Mainland.<<
Thank you, Joker. But it doesn't make sense.
does anyone know why alaska and hawaii are considered their own "countries" in wts statistics?
how come they can't be grouped with the usa statistics?.
and another thing.
>>Alask and Hawaii are just too far from the Mainland.<<
Thank you, Joker. But it doesn't make sense.
about a year ago, even though we had not been issued with no blood cards, there was some talk about filling in and signing the health care advanced directive.. for those who havent seen this document, it is quite detailed and specific about what blood fractions an individual will accept.
so basically, it states the individual will under no circumstances accept whole blood or its major components, but may accept what could be quite a long list of minor blood fractions.. so here is the tricky question(s) i asked one of our local elders.
q. you understand that these so called minor components are extracted from donated human blood and often it takes many pints of this human blood to produce just a small amount of these fractions?.
>>The Society is keeping their answer from the JW community, except for those who make specific inquiry: Yes, it is allowed for a JW to donate blood if they are convinced that the blood will only be used to make allowed fractions.<<
That is so absurd! More double-standards and hidden information. What was that Scripture that shows that Jehovah hates two sets of weights? You think for something like this Jehovah will allow two sets of standards?
about a year ago, even though we had not been issued with no blood cards, there was some talk about filling in and signing the health care advanced directive.. for those who havent seen this document, it is quite detailed and specific about what blood fractions an individual will accept.
so basically, it states the individual will under no circumstances accept whole blood or its major components, but may accept what could be quite a long list of minor blood fractions.. so here is the tricky question(s) i asked one of our local elders.
q. you understand that these so called minor components are extracted from donated human blood and often it takes many pints of this human blood to produce just a small amount of these fractions?.
VERY good questions, Eyeslice.
does anyone know why alaska and hawaii are considered their own "countries" in wts statistics?
how come they can't be grouped with the usa statistics?.
and another thing.
Does anyone know why Alaska and Hawaii are considered their own "countries" in WTS statistics? How come they can't be grouped with the USA statistics?
And another thing. How come the addresses for the Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico branches appear weird in the mailing addresses found in WTS literature? How come the WTS can't write the addresses in the normal address layout for USA postal mail?
thanks again to dmouse, we have more provision from the fds' table, i.e.
february's kingdom ministry.
I would like the site to include the Canadian and USA Kingdom Ministries along with the UK Kingdom Ministry as comparison.
so then, is the 1934 yearbook rarer then hen's teeth?
can't seem to find one anywhere!
>>Once in a blue moon one comes around on Ebay. I got one last year for about $135. You might be better off asking someone for a photocopy.<<
Are photocopies of the key pages of interest available somewhere?
lately is observed some small growth in wts troops.
any idea what is causing it?
i've heard that an age of baptized new members has dropped and 9/11 makes an impact.
9/11 may have brought fence sitting fearers of Armaggedon into the fold. But as Armaggedon delays and that fear wanes, the WTS should experience a fall in the numbers in a year or two.
Also remember the new numbers manipulation in eased field service requirements in order to keep the ever growing elderly population of JWs in the regular ranks. And to keep the aux and reg pioneers pioneering.
i have often wondered why the bible students did not pursue a lawsuit against j.f.
davies, auerbach & cornell.
davies, auerbach and cornell.
You learn something every day. Thanks RR.
background: my unbaptized daughter married an unbaptized young man when they were both 18 years old.
it didn't work out and 2 years later they divorced.. now it's 6 years later, (after the divorce), and my daughter never got baptized.
her ex-husband did and is engaged to another dub.
>> Since my relationship with my ex husband I have led an entirely celibate lifestyle, not that it's any of your business. <<
Yep! That will mess up their plans real good!!! Perfect!!! LOLLLLLLLLL
Of course, your house might be watched for a while. If any male non relative is observed staying over for more than 15 minutes, the perverts will assume you've had sex with him.
according to john 1:1, jesus is god.
how do jehovah's witnesses rationalize that blatant statement of jesus' deity?
DakotaRed, it doesn't get any simplier!