If you, dear reader, happen to have a copy of the Keep on the Watch brochure, please open to page 3. Notice right smack dab in the middle of the page, this statement (Why they couldn't use complete sentences, I don't know. Maybe they didn't have time to do more than mere fragments since Armageddon was so very near.):
"Priests sexually exploit young people; church cover-up. Decline in attendance; church buildings sold."
That's the #1 reason for the cancelation. Frankly I'm surprised someone at the WTS was awake at the helm to catch this before the fallout.
They should give that company-man a double-portion of dessert at the next dinner for saving the WTS from going from an embarrising situation to a ridiculous one. But to the WTS's chagrin, the toothpaste is already squeezed out of the tube: The brochures were sent out to the congregations, the KM informed the membership, and I'm sure there were KM skits done on the stage during the Service Meeting showing presentations and highlights.
A campaign cancelled? This is unheard of! Even for me given my many years with the JWs!!!
Some of the more thinking JWs will think, consider what's going on, and add things up. That's good! The others will continue brain-dead as usual.