Yeah That is so true!! You tell me where does it say in the bible that ONLY a 144,000 born before 1930 something goes to Heaven and everyone else is out of luck! I would think God/Jesus would have put that in there if that was so. Just venting.....The GB is a lie and I think they are part of the ANTI-CHRIST for a world they are no part of they ALL make sure they have Millions in the bank,oh yeah they really are suffer......Something is very fishy here don't you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by archangel01
governing body or rock stars
by Azalo inisnt it funny how when it was rumored that a gb member might make an apperance at the assembly people would gasp and get all a flutter because they might get a glimpse of them or actually get to hear them.
women would wear their fanciest dressess, the men would get a haircut and practice their line should they get a chance to speak to him.
children would stare from a distance and giggle... what a joke!
Great Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet the WTS is really POed NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That's one for the GOOD GUY"S
A Challenge for the upcoming Memorial
by joe_from_kokomo inhelp prove that the wts prophecies are balderdash, hogwash and poppycock... become a partarker in your own congregation.
you deserve the notoriety.
have a sip, take a bite and become a partaker.
I'm going to cele. it at home and yes I am going to partake after each pray just like Jesus said and Did/Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then we are going to have a nice Baked Ham Dinner and think and take about Jesus an what he did for us.
I'm with LD on this one you can't get me in at gun point to a hall because they are False and are with the devil.Remember Satan keeps tranforming himself as a angel of light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also when you don't partake and pass it up then its like your saying "No THANKS Jesus I don't want it". It's true thats what they JW's do every year.Also Jesus said keep doing this in remember of me meaning wash, think,talk,pray,partake,eat dinner etc. Just like like JESUS DID ....NOT WHAT A SINFUL HUMAN/WTS MAY THINK OR DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember we Follow JESUS not a group of sinful humans and that includes the WTS
Theocratically Appointed "servants"
by zev inwell i got me a copy of the new wt 2001 cd rom, and started looking at it and learning how to use it.. this was the very first thing i stumbled across, which was a thing that always bothered me.
those of you who saw me and watched my phases as i left will remember that this topic was a major issue for me.. .
here is the article, in part:.
Therefore, the appointments are to be viewed as being made by holy spirit. Just as overseers and ministerial servants were appointed theocratically in the first century, the same is true today.
Let's pretend the HS is working with us when it really isn't.
From reading the Bible the HS works very str8 forward.The HS was with Moses and he didn't have to go through a group of sinful humans nor did Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When the HS is Really working you do not need to go through somebody BUT..... they go through you!!!!!
What does this WT Study Article mean to you???????
by plmkrzy inbelow is the entire wt study article from the february 15th wt.
can anyone find any new light or old light renewed?
what does this study article mean to you?
Heres all the problems with the JW way......
"The LORD'S evening meal" however there setting is way off it takes place in a hall but in the Bible it was in a small room like a dinning room.There setting is to make people feel uncomfortable so that only the JW FDS partake an no one else.Funny nowhere in the Bible does it say that only a JW born before 1930 something can only partake. If you believe in Jesus an what he did then why do you pass up an not partake, I think thats really rude. Its like if Jesus is really their and he offers you the bread/wine meaning life etc and with your actions you don't partake and its like saying "No thanks I don't want what you are offering and one person after the other does that". That just makes me sick. An nowhere in the Bible does it say you have to cele. it in a big hall etc. You can cele. it in your own house with your family and go around the table an ask each person what it means for them ,read the Bible, then say the prays over the bread/wine and everyone partakes of the bread/wine just like they did in the Bible. Then after that you have a nice big dinner with all the fixings. A priv. setting is the best like in your own home where you can pour your heart out and really get the true meaning of it all.
Also if the FDS/JW always was around......I never read in the Bible them being with Jesus at the passover...I wonder why.....because they were False and Jesus knew that or else they would have been there right at the table.Funny before 1919 or what ever they never cele. the evening meal and now that they do, they want to mess it all up for everyone else. Why would the Bible say "satan keeps tranforming himself into an angle of light". Because to TRICK people into thinking they are doing things right but they are really wrong, like when the people who attend the Lords evening meal(JW'S) they don't partake but pass it up!!!!!!!!!! Satan is not stupid he's very smart and he has all the religions in his hands, an that includes the JW's too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus is no part of this would nor did he want any of its Kingdoms/Religions. ENOUGH SAID
What Are Your Goals For The Memorial Season?
by minimus inbe zealous for what is good!
is the article of the latest km.
there's a box in the article that has the following question---what are your goals for the memorial season?-----here are the check off points that should be answered to this question.
That's what I do too, thanks for the real date.I'll have to go to the local store and buy the bread and wine
Jesus temptatation by Satan...a JW conumdrum
by logansrun insome liberal christians view the charachter of satan as being a symbol for the evil within humans which tempts us all.
the jws will often point to jesus being tempted by satan as being proof that this is an unreasonable explanation since "jesus was perfect and he could not have evil thoughts in him.
" now this raises a conumdrum for a similar, but related matter.. just what can a perfect person do or not do when it comes to "sinful" thoughts?
I think angels have to have freewill like us however when an angel sins they don't grow old an die like us because they have different bodies. Satan had to raise a question that would not kill him right away or maybe he throught he/was right ( which he isn't) then he can never be killed because that would be unjust and raise even more Q's about God's divine rightness to rule everything.So God send he only son to free mankind and answer that Q that was raised in the Garden of eden " that humans or anyone for that matter don't need God to rule them or help them". Satan didn't know or think that God would manifest himself in the flesh to prove him wrong an to free mankind and then resurr. himself. Then once mankind is made perfect again then satan is let out to see if he can miss lead them "ALL" but God knows the beginning from the end and he already looked into the future and knows that he doesn't miss lead ALL but only SOME. Therefore satan is proven wrong because he couldn't turn ALL away.So since he is now proven wrong God has the just right to kill him an all his followers......THE END. This is really deep but it all makes sense you see GOD has to get mankind out of sin FIRST before satan can give mankind of perfect humans that final test. So in the end mankind is out of sin and is perfect, satan is proven wrong, evil is done away with, and all is well and back to the way God wanted things from the get go with no problems whatsoever.
Your New Work *** New Light from Jehovah's Channel
by garybuss inquote: .
what a gift and to so many!
the manner of releasing the new book children was an outright surprise to all, but the almighty hand of the all-wise one, jehovah, was in it, and the maneuver was most blessed indeed.
In the Bible it's said " Many books are wary some to the flesh". Yet no JW wants to believe that script, everytime I show it to them when they come to my door. Then I just say "See you don't really follow the Bible you think you do but you don't, Go away Satan! then I just shut my door".
I think alot of people are on to the WTS game by now. People are really getting tired of all there BS.
The Long Prayer
by Beans inamen, probably the most relieving word for a witness!
remember how those meetings went on and on and on and then you get that brother who loves to turn his prayer into the "sermon on the podium".
yes delivering words as if they were being channeled through jehovah right to you!.
LOL, one time I just said the LORDS pray just like Jesus .Are father in the....... when I was done people would say how come you didn't use Gods name and say this and that and I'm like "If you have a problem with the way I pray then take it up with JESUS/GOD I follow the BIBLE and his words!" That was the last time they let me say the pray, I guess they don't want people to follow the Bible.
Oh yah one time I was having a bad day and this guy was taking forever and I mean forever when he was saying the closing pray. So before he was even done I just cut him off in mid air and said " In Jesus name Amen" and some people standing by me said Amen after I said it and there was some people LOL and then the ''Brother" went on praying I just got up and left and I wasn't the only one that left!
WTS Unwittingly Condemns Itself
by NeonMadman innote the following gem from the watchtower of 1994:.
*** w94 12/1 p. 6 the 20th-century denial of god ***.
the clergy have also denied god by turning their backs on his moral standardsas evidenced, for example, by a steady stream of lawsuits against pedophile priests.
Its coming back to them 7 TIMES. God/Jesus is letting us all know one and for all that the WTS is no different then the rest of the cults.