Important Fact " Jesus IS Alimighty God in The Flesh"
Jesus said in the book of John "Unless YOU Believe That I AM, You will die in your sins"
God the Father uses the Name I AM in Ex. 3:14
Hope this helps!
from looking at various cult information, and warning signs of an unsafe group i beleive the jw's to be a cult, but how did they become one?
it started as a religious periodical in the 1870s, and somehow progressed to being a faith, a religion, and then from there progressed to become a cult.
when did this happen, and how?
Important Fact " Jesus IS Alimighty God in The Flesh"
Jesus said in the book of John "Unless YOU Believe That I AM, You will die in your sins"
God the Father uses the Name I AM in Ex. 3:14
Hope this helps!
for everyone's convenience, i've summarized my synthesis into a short number of postulates.
please tell me which of my propositions are provably false and therefore biblically inadmissible.. the godhead is a heavenly trio of three living persons: the father, the son, and the holy spirit (matthew 28:19, 3:13-17, 2 corinthians 13:14, ephesians 4:4-6, 1 peter 1:2 and revelation 1:4,5).the father is all the fullness of the godhead bodily, and is invisible to mortal sight.the son is all the fullness of the godhead manifested (colossians 2:9 cf.
john 1:1).
The Holy Spirit is three Person of the Trinity.....Read Act cha. 5 for the Deity of the Holy Spirit (He is called God) vs4 and in vs 3 he can be lied too ,so in order to be lied too you have to be alive, Person, frame of Mind, etc etc Not a inactive force as the Cults teach. Acts Cha 5 vs 3,4 gets them everytime.
this past july, my only sister decided i was an apostate.
she contacted my former cong.
and spoke to the elders.
I Can help!!!!!!!!!
You can e-mail me for help! Do you have any Q's that I can answer for you from using the Bible Only. I'm a BloodWashed Born-Again Christian Now I was a JW's for 23yrs. I think I can Help you out here is my e-mail address [email protected]
In Christ Michael
in the arnold schwarzenegger movie "the sixth day" (not to be confused with "end of days") people are cloned by having their brain memory pattern copied and saved on a disk.
human bodies without memories called "blanks" are also made.
at the appropriate time the duplicate memory pattern is stamped onto the "blank" human body.
If the JW's don't Change an come to the Real Jesus of scripture and be washed in the Blood of Christ an get Born-Again by accepting Jesus as there Personal Lord & Savior . Then when all the JW's stand before the Great White Throne on Judgement day Jesus might say "No Recall Your All Terminated!"
ok, so we all know that the society if against ouija boards.
but even many "worldy" spirtualist and ufo types say ouija boards are dangerous.. so, have any of you ever messed around with one?.
i did with my wife and sister in law and all it spewed out was meaningless garbage.
Stay Away from That kind of stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a doorway to the demons!!!!!!
You want to know the real future Read your Bible with the Help of the Holy Spirit! Read the Book of Matthew & Revelation.
In Christ
i've just started book one.
just wondering if anyone has read the books and what they thought of them?
Catholic or Rome is what the meaning of the woman riding the beast (Revelation). The Woman is a City after reading through you know its Rome. As for the Rapture It can come at Any moment or Time. Thats why it's called the Blessed Hope. The fact that the time we live in is computerize and there are Nukes/bombs/gases/guns etc must be a wake up call, the it's coming. There are TWO stages Rapture then 7year Trib to Armaggendom. Then Jesus steps in at the last battle an that is the second coming. The souls under the alter (The Fifth seal) are people who are killed during the Trib. who don't recieve the mark. They are to wait until its all over after Jesus beats anti-christ etc then there is a First Resurrection of All christians killed during the 7 years. Then there on earth Christ rules for 1,000 years but it ends in war. This is some Heavy stuff, before you get into this Get saved First by accepting Jesus as your Lord an Savior, repent of your sins and ask Jesus to forgive you an Thank Him. Pray & read his word daily even if its just for 5 mis. Also find a chruch to go to an get baptize, there should be no strings attachs. Now you are ready to get into the word believe Prophesy (1Cor. 14:22)
hope this helps any Q's just e-mail me [email protected]
Jesus never used it. Is it possible that, to God himself, the importance of his name is not to be found in its exact spelling or pronunciation, but in the meaning and reverence which it commands?
I tell Jw's how about using Father (ABBA) or Lord or Yahweh or Yah or God etc etc.
The name Jehovah came from a Catholic Monk in the 12 cen.
Don't Drink The KoolAid!
"all this testifies that we are living in 'critical times'" - 2 tim.
3: 1-5 (dec. 15, 2003 wt pg.
they never get tired of repeating this deception, do they?.
They don't believe in the rapture so they want to stay. Thats soo sad. I'm so happy I'm Born-Again and believe in the Rapture. I'm Leaving I ain't staying around for the tribu.
was taken from the october 15, 2003 issue of the wt, and on page 16 #12, #13.......................what the h*ll was that talking about?
to quote from #12 "or the physical condition of one mate may at times make normal sexual relations difficult or even impossible.." does that mean that one is too ugly...................too repulsive......................... what is meant by normal?
who decides normal?.
They all need to read "The Song Of Solomon'' just read between the linesIf your married I see nothing wrong with it.
i was just thinking on this issue last night - why did god happen to guide me to a more accurate knowledge of the bible instead of the many other sincere people still in the congregation i used to associate.
what makes me so special as to warrant this blessing?
is a good education in bible doctrine the sole criterion for exiting the watchtower when there are many sincere ones who are not natural students who seem permanently trapped in the cycle of watchtower feeding.
Hey Gumby read above, what I wrote you