Why not put all the perverts names who abuse kids in all the newspapers.That way everyone will know who they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by archangel01
by archangel01 in.
why not put all the perverts names who abuse kids in all the newspapers.that way everyone will know who they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After you got baptized
by freedom96 inwhen my mom was studying, the sisters went out of their way to love on her, and to help her out.
she was a single mom back then.
one of the biggest things they did was babysit for her, while she had to go out and work.
Your Guys/Gals are sooo right
When U have a part or give a talk in the beginning they all clap when your done BUT after you get dipped then they don't clap after you give your talk or part.I was like What the F**K did I do something wrong,so UNLOVING. Why change your way of being nice that is so wrong and very miss leading.They do forget about you once your in and you just feel like you were a # like "NEXT".The people behind the deli at the food store are nicer.LOL
Is God being mocked? Gal 6:7
by Iwasyoungonce in" educators in democratic societies teach people how to think, but propagandists tell them what to think.
most educators are willing to change their opinions on the basis of new evidence, but propagandists ignore evidence that contradicts them.
educators present all sides of an issue and encourage debate.
what you said makes sense.JW expect everyone to act a certain way like happy go lucky.Well I'm sorry who can be happy in a shitty system like this.I think once you know the bible and what God thinks on things, you don't need humans telling u otherwise.JW's think they are ALWAY right, do they ever think they may be wrong on some things.
You MUST See The Video, NO BLOOD.....
by minimus inthat's the title of an article in the dec. km.
actually, it is, you must see the video no blood-------medecine meets the challenge.....there's no letting up on the blood issue.
before that part, is, assistance on obeying god's law on blood....you can even get your "blood" cards.....it looks like the hardliners won again!
JW's now take Blood Fractions.Why is taking Whole Blood wrong but its not wrong in part.That is so dumb.Either it is wrong or it isn't, which is it?That makes no sense
Edited by - archangel01 on 10 December 2002 22:26:19
What happened inbetween?
by freedom96 ini used to ask my elder dad: what about those who lived inbetween the bible days, and when the witnesses started?.
the wts teaches that no one will survive unless they are a witness.
they may dance around that issue with a "wordly" person, but, that really is the way they teach.. so we have the people talked about in the bible, and then we go until the very end of the 1800's.
They can't use Noah's Ark because it was for a flood I don't see the WTS building a bomb shelter.
The Watchtower Defeat No One Notices
by metatron inif a great change is difficult to quantify, it can pass unnoticed.
the greatest defeat.
the watchtower has suffered to date falls into this category.
your right,serving God should be FUN the WT doesn't know what fun is.There idea is WORKWORKWORK......FU*WORKWORKWORK. I would think God would clear all these problems up right.
Why is it so easy to summon the Demons?
by LyinEyes ini was thinking about this the other day, and really things just don't make sense to me since leaving the borg.
being jw's we are told to fear the demons, they are there just to get us away from god.
don't buy from yard sales, don't watch demonized movies, don't look at porn because demons love that.
Hello LyingEyes
You raised a very good point.I ask this one JW don't you every ask for something just for YOU.Yes we pray for gen. things like food,goodweather etc.But what about for yourself because the only person that can be happy for YOU is YOU and NOBODY ELSE.Want to know why they can't give you a str8 answer because God is not helping mankind or anyone until the NEWSYSTEM.So if someone is to happy now then maybe you should ask them if they need a ride to the nut house. ps LYINGEYES just hang on I think you are strong and will make it.May all your dreams come true.............archangel
Why is it so easy to summon the Demons?
by LyinEyes ini was thinking about this the other day, and really things just don't make sense to me since leaving the borg.
being jw's we are told to fear the demons, they are there just to get us away from god.
don't buy from yard sales, don't watch demonized movies, don't look at porn because demons love that.
Hello LyingEyes
You raised a very good point.I ask this one JW don't you every ask for something just for YOU.Yes we pray for gen. things like food,goodweather etc.But what about for yourself because the only person that can be happy for YOU is YOU and NOBODY ELSE.Want to know why they can't give you a str8 answer because God is not helping mankind or anyone until the NEWSYSTEM.So if someone is to happy now then maybe you should ask them if they need a ride to the nut house. ps LYINGEYES just hang on I think you are strong and will make it.May all your dreams come true.............archangel
Is God just teasing us?
by joannadandy inok yesterday i was talking to my dad (moe's thread reminded me) he said something about how bad satan was...and said, yeah but "wasn't it eve and adam's fault?
i mean yeah satan laid out the sales pitch but they could have said no.
you know gone home, talked it over with god, it wasn't even that high pressured a sales pitch.
hello everyone
heres a throught
The first sin was in the spirit realm. That angel later known as satan raised a big Q.Does man serve God because his ways are just or would they do better on their own.Well Adam & Eve both knew from God already that eating of that one tree was death.So they were forewarned.Plus If you read cha 3 of Genesis it said that the serpent proved to be the most cautious of all the wild beasts etc.Adam & EVE knew that as well.So maybe God looked into the future just alittle to know what that angel was going to do then stopped.So God wanted to see what his kids would do with out him alway having to check up on them(looking in the future).So it was a shock to God just like when we read the story today.So God did the just thing and looked into mans future to look for the way out afterward. An what shock Satan was the fact that God would give his ONLY son as a ransom to buy back life for ADAM and EVE and there RACE(US). Yes adam & eve had to do there time for what they did, but it wasn't really adam or eves fault because they would have never ate if someone didn't trick them.Jesus buys back what adam lost ,so adam as well as miss eve will come back to life because they already paid for there sin/sins with death and that seed (Jesus) is why them and mankind will have a second chance. Because if adam or eve doesn't come back then we should never even be here(BEEN BORN) (ALL OF US) because we all share in adams sin like it or not.We are all bound by the same sin.Once everyone is perfect and sinless then if you do sin it will be just YOU who gets judgement and no one else plus there is no more ransom to buy back anything so you better be GOOD or be really SORRY.The Bible NEVER said adam &eve were unrepented or repented.But think about it I don't think God would let them live 930yrs if they didn't have a change of heart.So its good reason that they will come back.
Edited by - archangel01 on 10 December 2002 21:19:5
GB disassociates itself!!
by lulu indear brothers:
as you have admitted, the watch tower bible & tract society did join the united nations as a non government organization in 1992 ending in 2001, and according to the following watch tower this means that by their own actions they disassociated them selves from jehovahs organization which means that we must treat them like disfellowshiped ones.
in other words they are no longer jehovahs witnesses or have any right to that name.
You have a good point Link. It makes sense yet the WTC never want to talk about it.They say leave it with Jehovah. I'm like then what! maybe the answer is right in front of you COME CLEAN OR GET JUDGEMENT.Or how do you think or were the answer is going to come from.Is Jehovah or Jesus going to speak to us all and clear it all up.It likes they never want to believe that a lowly person like me or you can have all the RIGHT answers and not come from them.I think its like a power trip for them, They are not reasonable they never say YOU were right WE were wrong Thank you for Your Correct info, Jehovah and Jesus have giving us the answer thur YOU. You get what I'm getting at. archangel