I'm going to cele. it at home and yes I am going to partake after each pray just like Jesus said and Did/Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then we are going to have a nice Baked Ham Dinner and think and take about Jesus an what he did for us.
I'm with LD on this one you can't get me in at gun point to a hall because they are False and are with the devil.Remember Satan keeps tranforming himself as a angel of light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also when you don't partake and pass it up then its like your saying "No THANKS Jesus I don't want it". It's true thats what they JW's do every year.Also Jesus said keep doing this in remember of me meaning wash, think,talk,pray,partake,eat dinner etc. Just like like JESUS DID ....NOT WHAT A SINFUL HUMAN/WTS MAY THINK OR DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember we Follow JESUS not a group of sinful humans and that includes the WTS