I think ice core samples and sediment layers laid down in the dirt are the best scientific proofs the flood never happened. If there was a flood we would find a layer of dead animal and vegetation remains in a layer of dirt all over the world. Lets also not forget tree ring data, there are trees alive today that are older then when the flood was supposed to happen.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Can someone tell me why Joan's ark and the flood not true and impossible?
by Gokumonkey inhey everyone.
i have a question and i hope i'm not confusing this with something else i heard.
while watching ex jw videos on youtube many of them talk about how noah's ark and the flood didn't happen and it's impossible.
Why "Most high"?
by Doug Mason inif there were only one god, why do we encounter the expression, "most high god"?.
is this not indicative of polytheism, and of levels (or degrees) of god-ness?.
doug .
El the phonician god and Anu the same god in Assyria was a sky god. Later the Phoenicians and Assyrians worshipped one of his sons Baal Hadad or Enlil this god too was a sky god weather deity but not as high in the sky as El. This new god was also associated with mountains. Zaphon was the house of Hadad became MT Olympis for the Greeks and their mountains weather god with a different name Zeus. This mount Zaphon was also the Home of the thunder and lightning god of the Hittites.
This Mt Zaphon was to far away for the Israelites and Jews so they changed the place of his home to Mt tabor or Mt Zion. El shaddai means god of the mountain. The root word Shadd can be traced back to mean breasts , mountains truly are breasts of the world. The the original Israelite sky or heaven god El had 70 sons so does Gideon and a few other characters in the Bible.
Today man worships Baal Hadad or a better name would be Zeus or maybe his counterpart in Rome Jove. Wasn’t it a Roman Catholic monk that chose the name Jehovah? Jove also known as Jupiter becomes Jehovah, not to far of a stretch if I say so myself.
Someone said “there’s nothing new under the sun” so true and yes he mentioned sun , next time you see the sun stop and look at it for a second. Admire it in all its glory because in all reality that’s what we have all been worshipping all this time!
284000 baptized in 2017
by jw-verite inseen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
I remember a couple of years ago someone ran the numbers going back several decades and listed the year over year of the ones missing in their Statistics. According to the numbers over a million people have left or died per decade in the last couple of decades . I think these numbers didn’t include those that never got baptized. It’s probably very accurate that for every person getting baptized their realistically loosing as many if not more . I think more. I think the PEW surveys are very accurate, they really are loosing close to 70% of their members and to hide this they have lied about their numbers probably since the late 1970s.
Position on blood idolatrous?
by Jehovah lol ini just had this thought in my other thread.. jehovah witnesses refuse blood transfusions because they believe blood to be the sacred symbol of life.
that's the primary reason, the medical justifications are simply ad hoc excuses.
couldn't it be said that their willingness to give their lives for the sanctity of the symbol of life is idolatrous?
I think it best to show what it says in the Bible that Jesus’s taught , mercy not sacrifice Mathew chapter 12 . Nothing entering in to a man can defile him Mathew 15 I believe. Also going back to chapter 12 the whole chapter is about willingness not to let a man or animal die because it would be breaking The sabbath to save him it.
One can also go back to Leviticus chapter 17 and read towards the end that it was ok to eat a dead animal blood and all of you didn’t kill it. The whole chapter is about respecting the life of the animal you killed by pouring out it’s blood.
Your point is well stated and others have used the illustration of a married couple putting their wedding rings on the night stand when they go to bed each night. A fire breaks out and the man wakes up to see what’s going on and notices his wife is passed out from the smoke , he doesn’t grab her and carry her out but instead grabs her wedding ring.
Its also worth mentioning the hypocrisy of the cult in this subject. They teach no blood but then turn around and say that blood fractions are ok. Some of these fractions like hemoglobin are in fact packed red blood cells with only their outer membrane taken off. They also allows for the use of cows blood again bovine hemoglobin with its outer membrane taken off to bypass the need to type the persons blood. This product Hemopure has been used successfully by JWs in the past and the once bankrupt company is now back in business. This is hypocrisy at its highest level!
What's changed since I left in 2006?
by Jehovah lol ini think i made a thread like this a couple of years ago but i can't remember what was said and i'd rather have a new discussion anyway.. what's different in the wts since i left it behind in 2006?.
One of the most disgusting things that they did is tell the elder to send all the money the congregation had to headquarters and only keep about three months expenses in their local account. They were told this money would all be pulled together to help pay for all the growth and needed Kingdom Halls worldwide. If the elders then needed some money to pay for their own new hall or remodeling needs they could contact the branch and they would get the money they needed.
Now after all the money has been taken if a elder body asks the branch for some money for Kingdom Hall issues or a new Kingdom Hall their instructed to put up a contribution box in their hall and when the members have contributed enough money they can then use it for their local needs. Another words their not getting their money back, all stolen!
What's changed since I left in 2006?
by Jehovah lol ini think i made a thread like this a couple of years ago but i can't remember what was said and i'd rather have a new discussion anyway.. what's different in the wts since i left it behind in 2006?.
Not officially but they did a pledge drive a few years ago and expect each congregation to continue to give each month what they pledge. They also come up with one expense after another . Insurance for the hall, insurance for the COs , money to pay for the cost of being able to take credit cards, whatever scam they can think of. They even ask for money to help with those in need after natural disasters yet the money never makes it to them.
284000 baptized in 2017
by jw-verite inseen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
An exCO is posting over on Reddit. He says that when he was still a CO it was always a big push for the elders up to the COs to show growth each year. With this kind of pressure it would not be much for the elders to fudge the numbers. We also know the cult fudges the numbers when they do their yearly report in August. Because of the way they do their accounting people are often counted more then once in that month.
A good indicator of their lies is the number of baptized just a year ago or so in the USA . The US is their bread and butter country and if only 11k are baptized there’s no way that number off sets the number of ones being dfd , dying or just plain leaving.
Lets review they say that closing Kingdom Halls is because of massive growth. Does that make any sense? Of course not, this cult is all smoke and mirrors. I bet they have less then 4 million active members.
What's changed since I left in 2006?
by Jehovah lol ini think i made a thread like this a couple of years ago but i can't remember what was said and i'd rather have a new discussion anyway.. what's different in the wts since i left it behind in 2006?.
A lot. All they care about now is that you recognize that the leaders are a question, that who is the faithful and discreet slave ? And that you blindly follow all their teachings with out question! More and more cultish all the time!! Doctrine really doesn’t matter just that you do what they tell you.
That and they beg for money a whole bunch more today. They have stolen all the money from the congregations and all their Kingdom Halls.
I will put together a collage of articles and scriptures that contradict shunning.
by poopie ini will use the teachings of watchtower to refute there own shunning rules.
Don’t forget Mathew chapter 5 about verse 45 or so.
Non JW wife/JW husband Christmas tree debate
by spacegirl443 infirst post here and looking for advice and help.
sorry in advance for it being so long :(.
i'm a happily married woman (no kids) who is a non-jw, presbyterian to be precise.
I don’t know if these scriptures t were brought up by another member but Romans chapter 14 and the book of Colossians both say celebrating a holiday is ok and up to the persons conscience. You can also bring out that the JWs say it’s ok for Mexicans to use a piñata which has pagan orgins back to the Aztecs and sun worship as well as human sacrifice.
The cult is hypocritical and just takes scriptures they want out of the Bible to make them fit their doctrine ignoring others !