El the phonician god and Anu the same god in Assyria was a sky god. Later the Phoenicians and Assyrians worshipped one of his sons Baal Hadad or Enlil this god too was a sky god weather deity but not as high in the sky as El. This new god was also associated with mountains. Zaphon was the house of Hadad became MT Olympis for the Greeks and their mountains weather god with a different name Zeus. This mount Zaphon was also the Home of the thunder and lightning god of the Hittites.
This Mt Zaphon was to far away for the Israelites and Jews so they changed the place of his home to Mt tabor or Mt Zion. El shaddai means god of the mountain. The root word Shadd can be traced back to mean breasts , mountains truly are breasts of the world. The the original Israelite sky or heaven god El had 70 sons so does Gideon and a few other characters in the Bible.
Today man worships Baal Hadad or a better name would be Zeus or maybe his counterpart in Rome Jove. Wasn’t it a Roman Catholic monk that chose the name Jehovah? Jove also known as Jupiter becomes Jehovah, not to far of a stretch if I say so myself.
Someone said “there’s nothing new under the sun” so true and yes he mentioned sun , next time you see the sun stop and look at it for a second. Admire it in all its glory because in all reality that’s what we have all been worshipping all this time!