The NRsv is definitely the most accurate translation in my opinion. They god their translation from a script that was found that stated this. The others don’t make any sense but we’re changed because the religion was moving to monotheism. How can god give the lands to the sons of Israel when they couldn’t even hold on to their little patch?
Its also interesting that several of the characters in the Bible seem to take on some of the elements of god or one of the gods they worshipped. For example Gideon had 70 sons. El the supreme god of the Canaanites also had 70 sons. In my opinion El was recognized as the supreme god by the Bible writers and Yahweh was either a newer god that took on the attributes of El or the same diety with just a different name. Yahweh also took on the attributes of Baal Hadad and also Anat and others in my opinion.