Nice rebuttal “the truth left the truth” I’ll try to remember to use that.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Sorry to hear that you left the "truth"
by eyeuse2badub inthe other day i ran into a jw who just happened to be my very friend during my jw days (which were most of my life).
so for about 60 years we were each other’s very best friend.
we grew up together from about 8 years old and are the same age, now in our early 70’s.
Can you top this example of JW corruption?
by Mace.Bean inif you are a former jw elder, can you share any examples of corruption which you personally witnessed that were kept secret from the congregation?
following is an account from a longtime elder named tommy who recently disassociated.. the minor daughter of a presiding elder in a west texas congregation committed fornication with a 19-year old baptized witness in her father’s home.
the daughter had to confess to a judicial committee which included the aforementioned tommy.
This isn’t very bad but shows obvious favoritism. POs daughter starts dating worldly guy then moves in with him. Apparently the dating was hush hush and when she moves in with him it’s all innocent their just room mates. Nothing happens to her and she openly shares she’s dating him and they finally get married. Not once was she JCd or anything , I guess if your a POs kid you can do anything.
Natural disasters cause the most grief and misery today
by nowwhat? inits not wars caused by satan and man.
its hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and tornadoes!
so the logical question is jesus showed he can control the weather when on earth.
The 2004 tsunami was a wake up call to many and the cyclone that hit the Philippines and took out 3 Kingdom Halls killing 45 of his supposed people should have been a major eye opener to most JWs but unfortunately it was not. Zombies don’t wake up they can only be put down.
Goodbye my friends.
by StephaneLaliberte infor almost 12 years now, i have been coming to this site on a regular basis and in the last 5, i “faded out”.
i never regretted this and never will.
unfortunately though, yesterday, i realized that, until i can publically tell all my old acquaintances why i have left, i will never be truly free.
Glad your moving on, at some point we have to wash this cult and it’s affects out of our system and not ever think about it again. Be happy!
My younger brother officially Disassociated today
by pale.emperor inhi guys.
just wanted to share this with you as it's kind of got me worried.
my brother who was also raised in "the truth™" met me in town today for a coffee.
Just be there for him , you know this, help him to biuld a new life and new friends etc. make sure he knows not to meet with the elders they’ll try to harass him to destroy the letter then probably df him instead.
Babylon The Great and JWs
by Ireneus injws teach babylon the great is the whole empire of false religion.
interestingly, bible’s definition of it would include jws also because it is the entity “that rules over the kings of the earth.” (rev 17:18) since revelation is given in symbols (rev 1:1) “kings” cannot be literal, but can mean minds of people because mind acts like king over everyone’s bodily kingdom.. no one exerts power over the minds of jws like their gb does.
just like members of other religions blindly follow what their leaders teach, jws too do—even when changes that are introduced under the guise of “new light” are virtually numerous.
God doesn’t change I’m mean theres a scripture in Jeremiah where it says god never even thought of the idea of a human or animal sacrifice. It’s wasnt he who sent his only begotten son to be sacrificed right?
The Harp of God book
by blownaway ini am looking for the book the harp of god.
i am told it has some crazy passages in it.
can anyone put up some quotes of the book?
I have two of those a pocket size one and a regular one. I need to get to reading , didn’t realize there that much crazy in that book or it was restating many things Russell had already published in his earlier book. After Russell’s death I thought most of this 1799 tribulation stuff was changed.
What to Do....Please Help. Awakening JW for a very long time
by CovertsadJW ingood afternoon , .
i have been having doubts for many years and as most jw's i have certainly not done myself a favor by suppressing all of my critical thinking.
i am married with 3 kids and my wife and i are inactive, but my wife has made it very clear in speech and action that she wants to go to all meetings, field service, and indoctrinate our kids.
I don’t know how old your kids are but in my personal experience if you don’t go you become and outcast. The cult makes sure a plants seeds in your kids minds that your not a good person and have left Jehovah. I have not gone to a meeting now in about 5 years and if I had todo it over again. I would of done it one of two ways. Divorce the wife and then set up a situation that the kids with me would be told how I feel and given opportunities while under my part time custody to see and learn a real world alternative.
Option two if you don’t want to divorce is go with the kids and wife to meetings and start studying with them as soon as you can an introduce scriptures and ideas from the Bible that will in time make them realize there’s a problem. One can also study the history of the cult and show them their false teachings and prophecies again poking holes in their credibility.
It also important that they your kids are offered as many opportunities out side of the KH as possible. Public school , after school sports , music etc. Make them read and open up as much alternative learning as possible then encourage I mean demand the kids go to college.
New to the truth
by MatthewHewey ini have been meeting with member's of the kingdom hall, and i have attended a few times now on sundays.
i'd like to discuss experiences with this group since i'm new.
so far, i love it.
I would highly suggest you research the group it’s past and what the ex members have to say. This is a good place for it as well as Reddit. Do your do diligence because once you get baptized if you change your mind and leave you’ll not be treated well at all!
BETH-SHAN: Images of Rutherford's Bomb Shelter
by Bloody Hotdogs! infor any who are interested, rutherford's infamous bomb shelter at "beth-shan" has been officially documented by the city of san diego historical resource board.
they have photographs, plans, and an interview with the couple who built their home on the land (5330 le barron rd).
a pdf of the full report can be found here:.
Was Beth Shan built by Rutherford guys? I thought only Beth Sarim and that this place was built by a Coca Cola heir?