Hopefully you pulled out a zodiac chart and showed her that the four creatures that are pulling the chariot are nothing more then the four cardinal points of the zodiac. This makes god the sun. Tell her to go out side and look up, for she too has seen god.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Today's text caused a fight between myself and my "Still In" wife.
by NikL inshe insisted on reading it to me and i just couldn't keep my freaking mouth shut.. see if you can tell why.... sunday, february 18.
they would go where the spirit inclined them to go.—ezek.
jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food.
Boyfriend force me to study the bible or no marriage
by MuslimWoman inmy boyfriend, who is a disfellowshipped jehova's witness, asks me to study the bible for 3 months or he won't marry me (i'm a muslim woman).
he loves me and really wants to marry me but he is doing a passive blackmailing: if i don't study for 3 months, 1 time per week, in my home country, and without him, there will be no marriage... as a muslim, i believe the bible is god's word so i look at the bible from time to time and would be happy to study with him.
but the fact that he is kind of saying "study the bible or bye bye no marriage" is really hurtful.
Totally run from this guy. The JW religion is a cult much like hard core Islam. You dont need this in your life. Plus he’s a control freak! If you do decide to study despite the advice your getting here then at least let us help you to show him through questions you can ask him that his religion and it’s doctrine is not Christian but a false teaching.
No Bible = No God?
by menrov insome doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.
The Bible is a product of humans unless you think stories from Mesopotamia , Egypt and Greece are true stories and that some how were written down improperly and about the wrongs gods and then the Bible writers were then told how to write them down correctly yet they still have problems with contradictions and prophecies that didn’t come true even in their more accurate tellings.
Is Satan Real ?
by jdash ini've been pondering on this question for awhile now, and i'm starting to think this malevolent spirit creature isn't real.
do you guys believe satan is real?
Eden's snake
by Doug Mason inin my study into the israelite and judahite salvations, i provided sources which tell us that the writers of the creation story at genesis 2 and 3 employed symbols associated with the goddess asherah, namely: eve, snake, and tree.. at present, i am researching satan and i came across the following from “the birth of satan” by t.j. wray and gregory mobley (pages 68-69 70).
even casual readers of the bible have heard about the story of the garden of eden (genesis 2-3).
The story is a mish mash of Mesopotamian stories. In one story Adamu (Adam) is offered immortality by the sky gods but the god of the world Enki told him that if he ate the food offered it would kill him. Enki was a trickster god but also a god of wisdom and many scholars believe the story was telling how the god Enki did not want man to have immortality so he would not be like the gods. In the Gilgamesh story he retrieved a plant from a lake that would make him immortal but he took a nap first and a snake came along and ate it instead. Because a snake sheds its skin it’s has been associated with immortality.
In Genesis god creates Eve using a rib from Adam , in another story from Mesopotamia Enki gets healed by a female goddess which has something to do with his rib can’t remember the details but she becomes associated with a rib.
The tree of knowledge is all over the place in Mesopotamian stories. So is stories about Eden. The serpent in the story is probably not a Satan or a devil but a serpent god Ningizzida.
The writer of these stories in genesis clearly got a lot of details wrong in his attempt to put several stories in to one.
The Perfect Storm in 2018?
by Wild_Thing ini have been sadly watching as the number of jws in other countries are decreasing (for the most part), while the numbers in the us are strangely increasing.
while i question the organization's self reporting numbers, i think 2018 may be the year for another mass us exodus.
leah remini's show will be focusing on jws in her show on a&e.
Their definitely liquidating but I’m unsure if it’s do to a decline or coming decline of the cult that their preparing for or because they want to hide the money from pedophile attorneys.
The fact that their having one convention after another about being loyal, remaining in the faith, not leaving, please don’t go, is a bit of a tell.
Its also a bit of a tell that their numbers are crap, because if their growing like they claim why then have so many convention titles that seem to indicate the exact opposite.
In one sentence, can you pinpoint a single event that woke you up?
by Brian J inmy turning point: serving on a child abuse judicial case.
Sorry ment to say Lett unlike the rest at Bethel did not think Armageddon was going to come in 1975.
In one sentence, can you pinpoint a single event that woke you up?
by Brian J inmy turning point: serving on a child abuse judicial case.
Lett during a talked said he was considered an apostate while at bethel because he like the rest there didn’t think Armageddon was going to come in 1975. Growing up during that time but only about 7 in 1975 I remember them denying any of the 1975 Armageddon ideas came from bethel saying it was tough elders and cos making that claim. So during the talk I was like WTF?
Whats funny about it is I was several thousand miles away from home alone trying to get work to support my family then going to a regional convention praying that there would be some new info for me to provide me with some kind of pick me up or encouragement.
Brain J please give more details to your child abuse case that helped to wake you up.
Since the Borg is so interested in money why not do the following to keep and gain new members:
by Sour Grapes inmake the taking of blood transfusion a conscience matter since the bible forbids just the eating of blood.. have youth programs for the congregations like basketball teams, baseball teams, etc.. still not allow the celebration of christmas and easter because of the pagan origins, but allow birthdays, mother and father day celebrations.
the cart people currently love baby showers to celebrate the birth of a baby but then they can't celebrate the birth date of the same baby one year later.. only have the best speakers give the talks on sundays.
too many monotone, just read the outline speakers now.. drop the members giving talks during the clam meetings.. allow the jdubs to count time to visit the sick, help the elderly with chores, to visit members in nursing homes.. not have meetings for service on saturday mornings.
If they focused on a loving bunch of people in the organization and dropped all the nonsense they could retain most of the young and even bring in more members from the outside if they dropped or changed a lot of crap. This would help them, but they look at the numbers and just think they don’t have to do anything because of the growth.
This of course will be their doom because the growth is only in poor countries and they won’t be able to continue with only a bunch of very poor followers. But then again maybe they will if they continue to cut expenses.
Motorcycle talk: run what you brung
by _Morpheus inso i saw vander posted a pic of himself on his bike and recently pm’d with another member who rides (i will let him speak for himself if he wishes) and it seems like a thing for some of us, so... whatcha got?
post a pic of your ride.....
I baught a bite last year, we got to live!