JWs are toxic, they are told they they alone are gods people. They think everyone else is wrong supporting Satan etc. Jesus said if your not against me your for me, JWs say if your not one of us your against us!
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Religious Fanatic Mother
by LickingMyWounds ini have been faded for 5 years raising my kid after jw wife cheated on me.
i go to the memorial here and there.
my mother is a pioneer.
Over 300 DFed apparently went to a northern U.K R.C!
by Isambard Crater inthat's what i've been told by a family member (elder) who went to one of the regional conventions in the north of the u.k lately, who told me the 300 or more disfellowshipped who returned to jehovah by attending show that the end is so close, just like the final talk says..
If they say so many are returning then the opposite is true. The internet is destroying any hope of any mass numbers of people joining or returning to the cult.
Anybody watch Game of Thrones?
by shakyground ini started watching game of thrones and it has become my fav tv show in a long time.
i may even read the novels.
i love fantasy novels and movies, i always tried not to like them and felt bad when a new book came out and always gave in and read it lol.
Great show!
Just Offended A JW Cart Witness Without Even Trying
by pale.emperor inon my way into town from my office.
two carts set up a few feet from each other.
one manned by a man and woman (i assume they're a couple) in their late 30s.. the guys walks off to the other cart as im walking by, i wasn't going to approach but the woman holding the awake!
You said your an atheist, that's all it took. JWs think atheist are scum of the earth.
"Only Witnesses demonstrate Christian Love"
by Jules Saturn inso a couple of nights ago i was speaking with a relative and we began talking about the organization.
i had to asked her "why do you believe that this religion is the correct one?
" they stood quiet for a second but then said that they view and feel genuine christian love, a type of love that is spoken about in the bible.
All the other groups are saying the same crap to their followers. Mormons , seventh day , etc etc
in retrospect: RBCs vs LDCs / the hype about a lot of new construction and subsequent abrupt halt to construction
by Magnum inso, now that some time has passed, i’d like some input/thoughts/analysis/etc.
on the jw construction situation in the last few years.. first, why did they discontinue the rbc arrangement and institute the ldc arrangement?
was it for more and/or better control?
In response to Jules, I believe it was perfectly ok for some in the rbc to count the hours on the time sheet. It's all about what you know. For example regular publisher goes and volunteers at a assembly hall building doing some clean up. He doesn't count it in his time sheet , probably doesn't even think it's possible or reasonable. Yet another brother this one a pioneer goes to the same assembly hall and does the same work and does record it in his time sheet.
Whats the difference? The pioneer was told it was something he could do and encourage to do so but keep it on the down low because that for just pioneers Etc. It was the same with the RBC
The WatchTower conductor lied on stage
by Isambard Crater inon sunday morning in the watchtower study, a "study" who was their for the 1st time put his hand up and said; "i have a question.
when the paragraph says give up everything, it doesn't really mean give up everything like the pearl merchant, does it, like be willing to lose my modest house, cheap car and other basics i own?
i mean, that sounds a bit much".. the watchtower conductor said in response; "no, it's just a parable and it doesn't mean give up everything.
In Luke chapter 16 Jesus says you want to be a follower of his you must hate your family. So I'm think the idea is give it all up and be his slave , completely devoted.
Juarez MX Assembly Kingdom Hall to be sold.
by ironsnake656 inthere are several confirmed announcements in some congregations around the city regarding the sale of the assembly kingdom hall.
one of the reasons why it will be sold is that expenses are not covered by donations.
the hall was dedicated in 2009. actually, in some congregations the elders have not given the announcement for the publisher's reaction... .
One has to wonder if the Mexican young are sticking around anymore then their America counterparts? I think that maybe the higher ups know that their growth is done and with so many leaving they might as well sell what they can when they can. If 60% young ones leave and another percentage of older ones leave die or are dfd. What's their really over all growth or decline rate? Can't be good.
The most absurd reason have you heard someone disfellowshipped for ?
by Chook insomeone said on forum they knew someone df for not going to assigned meeting in old days .
I'll bet a lot here almost got disfellowshipped for using your brian. I know that's what almost happened to me.
When was the book of Lamentations written?
by Jules Saturn inso i was researching about 587 and 607 and couldn't help but notice that the wbts states that the writing of the book of lamentations was written by jeremiah near jerusalem and was completed in 607 bc.
chapters 2 and 4 of this book describe jehovah's anger towards jerusalem and the terrible effects of jerusalem's siege taking place in chapter 4. can someone clear this up?
was this book written in 607?
There's no way to know when any of the Old Testament books were written. Most evidence points to the Greeks having the books written during the time when they were in control of Egypt and Judah.