They robbed all the congregations and now are selling off most of their assets. I think this was done for two reasons , the major down turn in the economy and to hide money from the lawyers. Now their in protection mode as well as bracing for the impending downturn in their numbers. In reality the numbers before they went negative were a false sense of growth for them because I don't think they thought about the fact that most of their growth in the last 20 years was from third world countries. In the end this company has always been about making money not their followers.
The good news is they will collapse, people aren't joining anymore and the kids are still going away. They will out of desperation make it difficult for ones to leave and they continue to push for kids to get baptized and then blackmailed into staying but this in the end will make it worse for the cult and even more will leave. The end is near, the end is near, maybe not in my life time but the end is near , for them.