Do as we say not as we do.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
The hypocrisy of today's Watchtower
by UnshackleTheChains ini don't really need to explain anything really.
all i can say is that i was gob smacked at the sheer audaciousness of the entire study article.
i'm still speechless.
Do Not Judge So That You Will Not Be Judged. Mth. 7:1
by ini do not believe in the bible but i will use the reasoning from the new testament to argue against watchtower.
the reason i will only use the new testament is that jesus replaced the mosaic law with himself.
even watchtower agree with this principle.
Here is the problem , Paul if you believe the guy really exsisted and wrote all the books hes said to have wrote, contradicts what Jesus said if you believe he was real. So the Bible is kinda like WT Russel said a bunch of crap then Rutherford comes along and says a bunch of stuff that contradicts Russel.
Jesus fulfilling old testament prophecies like his legs not being broken
by Isambard Crater inwhat are everyone's thoughts on this, how his legs weren't broken, he was pierced with a spear and he wore a thorny crown?.
i'm pimo and very much not wanting to believe, but like the daniel statue prophecies, these ones about jesus stick in my mind and give me "hmmm, maybe" moments..
I don’t know why the writer of Mathew went to such great lengths to make it as though jesus fulfilled so many prophecies. He got so carried away that many of them weren’t prophecies at all.
Cart Witnesses vs Faith Healing Church
by pale.emperor intoday in liverpool the cart witnesses were in their usual speck in bold street holding out their wafer thin rags and books that they literally can't even give away.
but today the city centre was flooded with some sort of black church handing out their leaflets and little invitations to a "special event" this sunday.
i took a leaflet off them as they handed it to me and they were very smiley and cheerful.
Yeah these new JWs are useless. Like you I would allow myself to get into a debates believing my truth was the real truth. These new JWs have one message listen to us and our ideas don’t talk back or question , if you do we will run away. Lol.
I just live their new life saving work. “ go to JW.borg” “now run brothers!”
Jehovah's Witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - San Diego Reader (California, US), Friday, January 12, 2018
by darkspilver injehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
That sucks!!!!
Does The Multiverse Really Exist? (Shrinking Jehovah To Insignificance)
by Brokeback Watchtower in
I think just the size of our universe and all the chaos in it shrinks the little Jah to and even smaller micro Jah.
Serena Williams after marrying rich baby daddy: I am a Jehovah's Witness
by Wild_Thing inbut how??????
Am I correct that she got pregnant and then married to the guy?
Would You Go To A Memorial Service For A JW )if you were no longer attending the KH)?
by minimus insome of my old jw friends are sickly and getting on in age.
so far, i’ve only gone to my mother’s memorial and have avoided the kingdom hall altogether.... your thoughts please?.
I did, I think it was my last meeting in a Kingdom Hall. Went because the guy was a friend and an all around good guy. It was a surreal experience. I was already being shunned by some since I had been publicly reproved and of course the elders tell their wives. But being there listening to all this crap knowing full well by now that it was all just a make believe lie. Listening to all this crap about he will be back in the resurrection and what a wonderful hope we have. Puke!! Couldn’t wait to get out of their .
Why the JW org should fail.
by Half banana indr margaret t singer, a professor of psychology at berkeley university california has studied the experiences of 700 cult members.
''consciously and manipulatively, leaders and their trainers exert a systematic social influence that can produce great behavioral changes,'' said dr. singer.. .
one of the ways the jw organisation exerts so much influence over its members is because it has created a culture sustained by constant propaganda, which polices itself according to how the leadership has moulded it.
I don’t think the cult will fail just adapt as it has done in the past. I was listening to an interview with a former westboro Baptist Church member. Even in more extreme cults like this members just stay in despite all the pressure and this cult gets way more pressure then the JWs. These cult members are not nearly as isolated as JWs are because they want to see and hear what everyone else is saying so they can respond. Yet even with all this exposure to the out side world they still stay.
The members that do leave are said to be evil or mislead by Satan loosing all credibility with the other members. So if an extreme cult allowed to be exposed to way more info the the JWs is still surviving then the JWs will survive to.
The only good thing to take out of this is in extreme cults it usually just the kids that are raised in it stay members.
Older JW: not happy
by Gorbatchov inthis week i visited my sick father in law.. then an old elder from my far away congregation came in for coffee.
did not see him in 15 years.. nice chat.
had a lot to say, is alone, his sick wife disabled and away from home.. he told me: "living alone is so hard.
A sister I know in her late 80s got sick was in the hospital and remarked that she regretted answering the door.