I didnt' have any fleshly family that shunned me. Just my ex hubby's family. They went so far as to call me worthless. Something that I still carry with me.Even though I know it's not true, it really hurt,and damaged my self-worth. The thing that gets me ...is he was the one running around on me! They just didn't want to see a tarnished image of him.
We haven't seen them in over 2 years (my children and I) But they do make a lame attempt to keep in contact with their grandchildren. But like their father, they don't fit the mold anymore so they have little use for them.It's just a hard situation to explain to an 8 and a 10 year old.And it's obviously one that makes me pretty p***ed off !
I'm one of the lucky ones that all of my family was on the outside of the org. What a happy day it was when I didn't have to keep them at arms distance anymore.I grieve for those who do lose family,I feel it is a high crime that they will have to pay for...and I'm glad I won't be standing in their shoes!
((((((hugs to all))))) JAM