IF you wish to call the organization,MOTHER then you see it as so ,
1) what mother would intentialy feed her children scorpions,or spoon feed lies to her children,what mother would brainwash & lie to her child ,over matters as simple as life and death ,what mother would poison the mind of her children, by falsifying the scriptures ,what mother would write her own bible and completly change the meaning of the messages contained,what mother would lead her children to death ,what mother would sacrifice her children to lies ,what imperfect mother would lie to her child and say i speak directly with god i am his channel of communication,
what mother joins the united nations (without informing her children )
what mother ignores the poverty of her children ,having millions of pounds /dollars in investments & property,but wont help those in need.
what loving mother would kill her child spiritualy in the eyes of god,by making false claims concerning the relationship she has with god
what mother would leave her child in the wilderness
what mother would lead her children into the darkness without any hope of finding light,
what mother wants control of her childrens minds/not allowing freedom of thought,
what mother would abandon her children if the child fell down or disagreed with her
what mother allows her child to be abused sexualy ,
what mother turns it back on its child.what mother ignores the plight of suffering all around the world ,teaches the children that they should leave it to god not to be botherd as god will sort it out ,
forget about love care compasion,helping your fellow man just walk past any one whom is in need as they dont matter ,forget about jesus word & description of the good samaritan