HI There .
My elder brother met cassius clay some years ago in Lon don England and what a great man or guy he is ,everyone in the boxing world here worships or admires him,do you think that mohamad ali ,would or could ever sink to such a level as to thank some one ,from the past for freeing his grandfarther,would you like him to do the face change from black to white as micheal jackson has attempted,
i think clay aquantes the move from cassius,clay ( As you say, a name given & conected to slavery ) Hence the change to as he thinks,a change to the true religion & freedom,
Going back to the other cassius clay ,it wasnot that he was ahead of his time in thinking ,that slavery was wrong,others were allowing financial business to take place of there concience, everyone knew slavery was wrong , i am sure this person had a part to play in the history of slavery,that those people he helped were gratfull to him ,but remember this not every african was a slave, we know they were snatched from there lands and sold as you would sell an animal,
But say 200 or 100 years ago England was full of slaves ,whom lived vertualy under the same conditions,they were tied to the house ,generaly worked to death, hence the population of ireland had to emigrate because of starvation in ireland,not much better of,austalia was set up with a crimanal element ,sent there or face hanging or prison ,despatched by the crown for life,
The thread for all these poor unfortunateswas not cassius clay ,but jesus christ,in most cases ,why do i say that because it was he or gods spirit that,allowed things to develop ,so no people shouldnot thank the old casiuss clay ,for anything ,as time and circumstances say it all ,what was done is done ,look towards the future & not the past ,as the past will drag you down
last point who cares anyway, i have great white friends & great black friends, maybee its different in america
does this help anyway,my comments i mean.