The linked blog that Mad Giant provided the link to really got me thinking, though I should add that it also reinforced and confirmed some of the thinking I've done over the years about Jesus and his teachings.
One example is Jesus strict teaching on divorce. Even his disciples questioned marriage once Jesus basically told them that divorce in all cases except adultery was prohibited. This teaching has caused the Watchtower to come up with all kinds of odd procedures in cases of divorce.
For example, the unfaithfulness has to either be admitted to or proven.
When I was an elder, we had a sister who knew her husband was unfaithful. But he would not admit it, and we told her that someone had to witness him, say, coming out of his mistresses' residence at night.
So this unfortunate woman had to wait until someone saw her husband effectively commit adultery.
All because of Jesus teaching.
And I vividly remember sitting at that meeting with this sister and thinking 'this just isn't reasonable'.
And that's not even the worst it gets. How about women that are abused physically? Well, as long as he's not cheating on them, they can't divorce and remarry, all because of Jesus' teaching on divorce.