Excellent comments,a nd I can only echo what most have already said, plus add my own observations at Circuit Assemblies, where just about the only people who got baptized were JW kids. For all those hours spent (1,000 people x 10 hrs per month x 6 months between assemblies, and even if you count them all as 'low-hour' you can still make it 1,000x5x6= 30,000 hours spent) with very little to show for it.
Of course, the WTS claims that their work is not results-driven or oriented. But the feeling I got being out there until I recently became inactive is that what I did was accomplishing absolutely nothing, and I was spending my time and resources on it. How many people would take up a "work" like that? How many people would ask that of others - 'you spend your time and money, do our work, accomplish virtually nothing, and don't expect anything from us in return'?