JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
How to raise awareness about child abuse.
by DATA-DOG inhere's an idea.
we know the wtbts fears exposure more than anything.
so what if we made an organized, concerted effort to contact every celebrity jw that we can think of?
I think it's a GREAT IDEA! -
Crazy JW wields machete at New Orleans airport - shot - died because he refused blood on religious grounds
by Wild_Thing inhttp://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/suspect-machete-attack-new-orleans-airport-has-died-n327841.
But JW's are the HAPPIEST PEOPLE . . . What do you have to say now? -
How is Joe Publisher reacting to all the TV coverage on the abuse cases?
by 4thgen inplease pardon if this a repeated topic.
i have had virtually no contact with any witnesses beside my mother for the past few years.
she watches tv constantly and claims she has never seen anything on the watchtower abuse cases.
Here in the midwest U.S. and not a shred of evidence that anyone heard a thing. But remember though, good old Brother Lett said that only apostates spread these vicious lies, so MAYBE some HAVE seen it but aren't saying anything! -
Why are JW talks & publications never uplifting?
by thedepressedsoul ini was sitting at the meeting the other night and for the first time it hit, jw talks or magazines are never uplifting!
i rarely, if ever hear a talk or read a magazines and have it give nothing but praise to jehovahs servants or just praise jehovah and jesus throughout it.
they never just a read through the bible or just a bible story explained or told.
I'm so glad you brought this up. I have noticed that in particular since the BROADCASTING has taken place the spirit in the congregations has been poor. The talks are dog shit! -
Recorded argument with elders trying to DF someone
by Jay Elle inthis video may have been posted here before but it is new to me.
the lingo seems very very famillar with the bullying that the elders give us all.
they want their pound of flesh...but call it loving and theocratic.
Mid-evil religion. You don't stand a chance. I was a elder for almost a decade and that even scares me! That poor guy, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE MAN. -
January 14, 2015 ABC recording of Conti/WT case
by Gayle ini would really like be able to hear/see the "oral arguments" of this case!
does anyone know how we may be able to access this?
case #a136641.
This is still on point?? -
How to reply to- "just wait on Jehovah".
by runForever inall you have to say is "who says jehovah is not using me right now?
" something to that effect.. if they say you are just a low-life nobody just point out amos nipper of figs.
and if they say "do you think you're a prophet?
Jay Elle - Now THAT one takes the Cake! Hats off to you girl!! -
by EndofMysteries inthe generation scripture no longer is speaking about 'the end'.
i'll quote it...... side note: tons of lies in this article, i'll point out at the end of the post.
"yet, jesus words at matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least some of "this generation will by no means pass away" before seeing the start of the great tribulation.".
I don't care what the GB has to say about any of that any more period.
You can say it this way, or that way. When it comes to what Jesus said about "This generation", they got it wrong, and they know it. And WE know it.
BOE 2014-11-06 Procedures when legal issues are involved
by wifibandit infull set: http://imgur.com/a/z4k2t.
Doesn't all this just make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Yeah, just like listening to Toni Tight Pants. Puke! -
Looking for Truth with a capital "T"?
by Terry instop begging for crumbs like a pigeon in the park!.
nobody anywhere has truth tied up with a red ribbon to hand to you so you.
can go skipping down the road with a smile!.
I recognize free advise. Thanks Mister.