JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Is that a brother praying what do you think?
by slimboyfat inat the risk of revealing how i waste my time on youtube, is that a brother praying after about 45 seconds into this video?
what on earth is he doing?
That grandma lady is gonna either get busted by the cops or get busted in the chops if she does that to the wrong guy. That's a misdismeaner (spelling). -
FYI, video aired 1/26/16 in Italy: Google translated title: "Shocking article on Jehovah's Witnesses , When a religion takes away freedom "
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.peoplexpress.it/2016/01/26/le-iene-pelazza-servizio-choc-sui-testimoni-di-geova-quando-una-religione-ti-toglie-la-liberta-video/.
google translated into english below.
article in italian at the end.
I don't speak Italian, but it looked like there was cameras in the judicial committee? What was being said during that meeting, does anyone know? And if anyone speaks Italian, can someone please give us a breakdown of what the video was about a little bit more please. -
Some thoughts on the new midweek meeting
by Saltheart Foamfollower inthe new midweek meeting has been running for a month now.
here are my thoughts on how it is going so far:.
1) elders are looking frazzled from being on virtually every meeting and having to prepare unfamiliar formats for items.
I absolutely hate the new meeting format. I'm glad this discussion was brought up. You are right. There is no room for individual thought. Well, I take that back. There is two questions during the first part of the meeting where you can raise your hand during the bible highlights, if that's what it's still called. But in my congregation, that's all that gets called on is two people. Two questions, so two comments and that's it. The rest of the meeting is stale popcorn. I really think the whole thing sucks.
I've never really gone to the meetings and hated them until now. I just seems like we're all over the place. And I can't stand it. If it wasn't for my in wife I would not be there at all.
2016-1-25-BOE on Applause or Clapping!
by Atlantis injust in case someone wanted this letter for their records.
.. http://postimg.org/image/dn44a9m9h/.
.. petra!.
The org feels the need to have a say or control on everything. I can see where at other churches if such a thing were to happen, where if there was an applause or not an applause it simply would or would not be. Then in another church of the same denomination it either would be or wouldn't be. They wouldn't have to have their headquarters write a letter stating whether it was appropriate or not. They would just let it be as it is, and that would be that. Simple and plain. -
If you went back in time, would you be a god?
by Simon inwe just finished watching outlander which is about a woman who goes back in time ~200 years from the end of wwii.
she ends up in the scottish highlands in the middle of the jacobite uprising.
it's a great show although the last episodes were a little graphic (they make game of thrones seem like sesame street).. but it got me thinking ... if you went back in time would you in fact be the 'god' you may imagine because of your knowledge of modern technology and the future?.
Just think of the stuff you could pull off in the congregation. You could say you were anointed and you would know all the new light before anyone else and everyone would follow you around...
And by the time we got to 2015, well, everyone knows now what a time 2015 was for the org, wow, everything went on in 2015, you could have predicted the Royal Commission, the construction halts, WT and awakes being stopped printed in Italy, the list goes on. You WOULD be a god.
"Even if it isn't the truth, it's still the best way to live"
by Simon inhave you heard that old chestnut?
i have.. typically it's the last resort when you have dismantled a jws beliefs and they have no way of defending them.
they know they are beat so they come out with that one.. its effectively an admission that you are right and they have no argument but they are still going to attend meetings because they like the social club.. what a lame way to defend your faith..
Yeah, so if it isn't the truth, that means then that you are telling lies. And you are telling me that telling lies is the best way to live? How does that settle in with the best way to live?
I wonder how they would react to that one?
Volunteer workers pushed to renounce to their social rights
by sp74bb insurprisingly in spain, a large quantity of bethel volunteers (nice to words to say workers) have received their letter telling they are not anymore required.
in this country, government obliged bethel to give social rights such as basic social security (doctors, etc..) to the volunteers as they understand that it is a business relationship.. all of them have been pushed to sign a letter stating they renounce to their work and then go outside bethel with not a single right (unemployment, etc...).
it is really unfortunately but silly from bethel office to arrange it this way.
sp - keep us up to date please. -
Evolution, Critical Thinking, and Other Things the JWs Never Told Me
by David_Jay inafter reading several threads on the topics of evolution and theism, i thought i would share what happens to you when you go to college and get a real education on things: you learn that some of the arguments and stands of jehovah's witnesses are moot to begin with.
i never double-checked the "modus operandi" about many things, and boy, did i have some real learning to do.. for instance, why are jehovah's witnesses so against evolution?
it only proves their point.
Excellent post. You put a lot a thought into it, obviously. I agree with it as well. Too bad for Watchtower and all their ways, they will never see it. -
The Retractable Dangling Carrot
by TMS insome scattered thoughts about the granting or denial of privileges of service as a control mechanism:.
this method of persuasion involving reward or punishment is so deeply ingrained in watchtower function, it is second nature.
although sometimes subtle, sometimes blatant, everyone from new bible study to traveling overseer is subconsciously aware of the possible limiting of his official opportunities to serve god and his brothers.. .
TMS - you bring some very good perspectives to this board. -
Very important, you must save JWs from dieing at Armageddon!
by Crazyguy inevery drop of breast milk has roughly 1 million white blood cells in it.
so the next time you see a jw drink milk or eating milk with his cereal etc.
you must run over and take it out of his/her hands and then give them a stern warning.
Knowing this now, makes me think...did the GB know stuff like this all along and just not tell anyone?