This is great news, especially after W5 aired the JW's on child sex abuse coverup just a couple days ago.
Here's a link to the news video:
the guardian (uk), monday, march 26, 2018. mps are demanding government action after more than 100 people contacted the guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in jehovah’s witness communities in the uk.. “i am extremely concerned, but not surprised, by the allegations of child abuse within the jehovah’s witness movement.
whenever there is a closed society with an inherent power imbalance, the potential for abuse is there,” said the labour mp sarah champion.. she said she would be raising the issue in parliament and demanding that the government take actionto make sure all children were safe.. alex chalk, the conservative mp for cheltenham, said he planned to raise the issue in parliament, saying it was not just an historical issue but an ongoing child safety concern.. “my instinctive thoughts are that the sheer numbers and seriousness of the allegations coming forward is concerning ... if even half the allegations coming to light are true then it’s clear that an entrenched culture of cover-up and flawed in-house investigations continues to this day,” chalk said.. champion said she was concerned that victims had to report their abuse to elders, without independent scrutiny.. she also expressed concern that abuse claims can only be taken before a committee for investigation if there were two witnesses to it.
“abuse happens in the shadows, so to ask for a second witness is ludicrous and effectively prevents reporting,” champion said.. read full article:
This is great news, especially after W5 aired the JW's on child sex abuse coverup just a couple days ago.
Here's a link to the news video:
what is included in the publisher cards and other information when you transfer from one congregation to another?
i was privately reproved and may be moving to a congregation where there are brothers i rather not know why i was privately reproved.
is the fact i was privately reproved visible but not the reason why?
There is a 99% chance they will include the private reproof and what it was for in the letter if it's been less than 5 years.
what splain does in his talk and chart illustration is make the leap that a generation can have two groups.
and in this case the two groups span more than 108 years.
but no where in scripture is there ever a notion that a generation has two groups.
Joey jojo,
You make some excellent points. I love that point that according to WT your grandfather who died in '87 could be part of the Facebook generation simply because he was alive during part of your lifetime.
That really brings home how stupid of idea the overlapping generation is.
what splain does in his talk and chart illustration is make the leap that a generation can have two groups.
and in this case the two groups span more than 108 years.
but no where in scripture is there ever a notion that a generation has two groups.
trending on yahoo news this morning (3-18-18) detroit free press story on shunning.
The news media is catching on to this. They are now putting a string of these suicides together in one article.
The internet is making JW's bleed and show who they really are. Gone are the days of the 70's & 80's when nothing was spread, but now, oh boy.
a paedophile used his position within the jehovah's witnesses to sexually abuse three girls for years - as young as five.
michael john hewitt, 71, abused his victims over several decades, starting in the 1980s, at home while they were all under 16. .
two of his victims were aged just five when hewitt began abusing them at both their homes and his while he was a member of the congregation.
He was charged with 11 offences and later acquited of 3, but that still leave 8 accounts! That bastard, and I imagine that the authorities were never called until late.
it's that time of year again.. trying to decide if i should or shouldn't.
I been partaking now. I feel that if a person is a Christian then he ought to partake. I don't what people think at all. When I partook for the first time, no one said a thing. Not my wife or anyone. My wife just asked me if I know for sure but that was it.
If you feel that Christians should, then do it, if not at the KH then at a church.
All the best.
so i have been awake since about this time in 2013, so about 5 years.
and the craziest thing about it is that now, no one, and i mean no one know's i am an apostate.
meaning, that i don't believe the jw minds set/beliefs at all, and no one knows it.
I look at how they look at life and "the truth" and make a determination from there. So, far, all I have run into is a bunch of brain dead zombies. I think if the KH was on fire and there was fire/smoke coming from every door/window and the elders said the building was NOT on fire, there would be some people who would say, "oh, ok, then resume as normal" and they would burn alive.
That's the circle of people that are around me, zombies. If there ever was a person who had even a thought of their own, you can bet I would try to plant some seeds.
there are several leaked elder videos in the zipped file.
use 7-zip or whatever program you use to unzip the folder..
It's amazing to me that this group spends the amount of time and research and study and all that shit just to promote their religion. Looking back, it's sad that I was a 100% believer at one point.
At any rate, thanks Atlantis.
so i have been awake since about this time in 2013, so about 5 years.
and the craziest thing about it is that now, no one, and i mean no one know's i am an apostate.
meaning, that i don't believe the jw minds set/beliefs at all, and no one knows it.
So I have been awake since about this time in 2013, so about 5 years. And the craziest thing about it is that now, no one, and I mean no one know's I am an apostate. Meaning, that I don't believe the JW minds set/beliefs at all, AND no one knows it. Not my wife of 26 years of marriage, nor my best friend of 36 years, nor anyone in the congregation, NO ONE.
One might say, what a wonder feat I have accomplished, and yes, it isn't easy. There are times I just want to scream, "it's f*cking not real!!" But I keep my cool, some how. I just wish I had someone to share my TRUE feelings with. But I have no one.
Thus, the reason for the title, "A spy's life is lonely one". But somehow it's all worth it. Some how. Maybe you can relate to this. If you can, then that means that I am not alone after all. For sure, there is a Vast Apostate Army out there and it is only growing weekly. What keeps my sanity is knowing that there is people out there like you who knows fact from fiction, who aren't afraid to face the facts and if the truth hurts, then by all means rip of the band-aid.
It's people like us who are willing to say, if this isn't the "truth" then show it to me, and if that means that no one has a monopoly on truth and truth might be a little allusive then so be it. At least I'm not believing a lie. Amen to that bro.
There. Now I feel better already, thanks for reading. :)