An actual transcript of one of those meetings:
The air was thick, and could be cut with a butchers knife, as the ten men filed into the third school in the back of the Kingdom hall. It was hot. The air-conditioner was off because the bills had not been paid in three months. The Accounts Servant, had skimmed funds, and before he could return them into the coffers, Brother Wipe had did an audit. It was bad, and the Elders had to appologize to the congo for being harsh on them. The common thinking among the Elders was that the members made up of retirees, living off of Social Security bennifits, were not putting the Kingdom first, and worrying about where their next can of Ensure was going to come from.
After everyone settled, Brother White, a tall man who had a whisp of grey hair, crossed his nimble legs, and took a deep breath. "It has come to my attention that Brother Dick's son wants to go to college." Brother White said while looking cunningly at Brother Dick who slouched in his seat wondering who snictched on him, and his family.
Brother Howard, a young strapping Brother who recently married Brother White's daughter, had it out for Brother Dick because he felt Brother Dick's son had a better life than him. Although Brother Howard had the best looking girl in the congreagtion, he was frustrated. Mary Anne, a voluptuous blonde who looked more like a porn star than a pioneer, hadn't paid her marritial vows. Secretly, she was carrying a licencious life with a married couple whom she said she was studying with. She was reluctant at first to particiapate in the couples brazen lifestyle, but her heart lead her down a slippery slope, and before she knew it, Mary Anne had turned from a selfrigteous girl into a hardcore Dominatrix. She lusted for the perverted, but still yearned for family and friend who were all in the truth. When home with her husband, she didn't want give into her sexual desires because she thought he might notice her wanton ways in bed, and question where she spent her 70 hours a month, so she used sexual power to get him to do things she wanted him to do like cook and clean. As a matter of fact, poor Brother Howard hadn't even seen his wife naked. She would only show a naked shoulder in bed, but at nght she allowed him to hump her leg. After ten months, Brother Howard was tired of jerking off and viewing porn on his Droid Razor in the bathroom before taking a shower, and his sexual frustration hieghtened and made him seem zealous for the truth and God's organization. Although, he was just angry from not getting laid. He said, "The Soicety say here in our Flock Book that no man within the congregation who has the wonderful priveledge of serving God's people in these last days, shall go to, nor have anyone in their family go to college." Brother Howard crossed his arms and nodded his head looking at his father in-law who smiled beamingly with approval.
"But Johnny, is only going to Community College to attain, some education." Brother Dick raised his hands in the air in a gesture of frustration. He had given up the opportunity to go to a major University on a full scholarship. Instead, he started a cleaning company, and pursued a career in the full time ministry where after twenty years he had the priveledge of attending two weeks of pioneer training school twice, and added three people into the truth. However, aside from spiritual prosperity, Brother Dick had no real security in life. He lived from pay check to pay check, after his last contract didn't re-up. Apparently some Mexican's out bid him, and he and his family fell on the generosity of others within the congregation albeit him being a sickenly selfrighteous man. Dick and his family had volunteered to serve where the need was greater in the Sunny Valley, where they were the only ones of color. He thought giving talks in the tonality of J.R. Brown was sure to light a fire under the lilly white asses of those who took God's true organization for granted, but all those regurgitated talks did was alienate his family from the rest of the congo. Back home, in their two bedroom apartment in the seedy side of town, Brother Howard's daughter, Shanaynay, was delivering some bad news to her mother, Sister Dick. Shanayna was three months pregnant, and the father of the child was Brother White's son-in law. One day Brother Howard paid a visit to Dick's to see if the Elder Dick wanted to some return calls. Neither he, nor the mother or the son was there, but Shanaynay was in all her polished ghetto glory. Brother Howard couldn't resist her ample bussom and soft smooth skin. As he entered the home, all he could think of was the cousel of not entering into the home of a single sister, but his hardon was louder than the voices in his head.
Brother Dick took a deep breath and covered his face in same, for he knew he had tested God by letting his son eat from the table of demons. He looked up and scanned the room of his fellow Older men nodding his head. He said in responce to Brother White, "I understand what I did was not in harmony with the direction of the Governing Body, and I will step down."