I wonder how many, if any, of these "new, younger Governing Body members" will claim to be of the annointed?
If any future GB members do not profess to have received the special calling to JW heavenly life after death a.k.a "anointed"... that would represent a major doctrinal change for JWs since being "of the anointed" was a prerequisite for every GB over the decades of JW history.
If WT opens GB membership to non-anointed JW men, they would have a vastly wider pool of candidates beyond the few odd-ball dip$hit "anointed" company men employed by WT today.
However, seeing the WT modus operandi over many years, any men chosen as top brass leaders, whether "anointed" or not, will most certainly be megasaurus charlatans...
This is unavoidable because survival of the JW belief system requires that level of delusional dip$hit driving force.