They were all SMURF blue. LOL
JoinedPosts by whyhideit
what colour was jesus
by nightwarrior inwhy all the racismn within the world .
,personaly i cant understand it,i know people can be racist against culture,but colour ,come of it.
,jesus was brown ,mosess was black he had to be living in egypt ,have angels got a colour if not why not ,dont be afraid to answer as i wont hold it against you if you dont ,me i have great friends from all nationalitys .have you transended from the obligitory type cast person that you were born has your life been enriched by meeting someone of another culture, i know we have been richly rewarded.
Anything new on Barbara Anderson's case?
by Gamaliel incan anyone give any details on what to expect next in barbara anderson's case?.
i just read about the questioning of how a woman got into a researcher position at bethel.
i have a few questions on this myself, based on the level of involvement i've heard claimed.
Isn't it a common practice of the organization to not give individual credit to anything written? Basically, they credit everything to the Faithful and Discreet Slave's direction.
Edited by - whyhideit on 23 December 2002 18:37:52
LambsRoar Reply to Mr. Bill Bowen - Slander &am...
by RevMalk into those of you who have had the misfortune of receiving mr. bowen's silentlambs newsletter.
unfortunately mr. bowen feels the need to lie to you all, and slander the name of abuse survivors he claims to protect and serve.
a copy of his most recent attack is below my short response.
Sometimes people bite off more then they can chew. It does pay to remember though, that Bill Bowen was only someone bringing up a problem. I do not get the sense that he was saying, "Let me take care of all of the world's Witness-abuse problems alone, and do nothing on your own." It seems like people did that to him, by sending all request to his site and seeing him as Silentlambs. It should be noted that if you want something done right, then you should do it yourself. Meaning, why get frustrated with a man who is doing things you disagree with. Just go out and do something locally, nationally, or worldwide on your own. Then you wont care what some organization or person is doing, you will be in control of what is done and how it is handled. By seeing the Silentlamb's organization and Bill Bowen as the only source for help, it is only natural to want to mold it into what you see as proper assistance. Which leads to being frustrated when it does not respond or listen to what you are saying. Learn from their mistakes, and make something of your life and shared pain. If we could even bottle a percentage of all the energy wasted on debate, attacks and frustration and turn it into action to help children, we would be taking a small step into a much larger world of productive assistance in child abuse.
Edited by - whyhideit on 23 December 2002 18:33:40
When will George W. Bush stop the craziness?
by crownboy inok, so this hasn't happened (as yet), but in spite of the article being written in jest, it certainly seems like something that would happen if the administration thought they could get away with it..
washington, dcflanked by key members of congress and his administration, president bush approved monday a streamlined version of the bill of rights that pares its 10 original amendments down to a "tight, no-nonsense" six.. above: as supporters look on, bush signs the bill of rights reduction and consolidation act.. a republican initiative that went unopposed by congressional democrats, the revised bill of rights provides citizens with a "more manageable" set of privacy and due-process rights by eliminating four amendments and condensing and/or restructuring five others.
the second amendment, which protects the right to keep and bear arms, was the only article left unchanged.. calling the historic reduction "a victory for america," bush promised that the new document would do away with "bureaucratic impediments to the flourishing of democracy at home and abroad.".
Did you know George Bush pardoned a Jehovah's Witness today? It was someone who avoided the draft and served time in Prison.
Anything new on Barbara Anderson's case?
by Gamaliel incan anyone give any details on what to expect next in barbara anderson's case?.
i just read about the questioning of how a woman got into a researcher position at bethel.
i have a few questions on this myself, based on the level of involvement i've heard claimed.
This is a story that should be watched,2933,73742,00.html
If the judge rules in favor, it will be a precedent used against silentlambs, and related cases.
Twilight Zone dealing with Disfellowshiping
by whyhideit inyears ago i was watching a modern twilight zone, which was titled something like "the invisible man.
" i have seen it mentioned on twilight zone fan sites, but i have never been able to find a copy of it on vhs or dvd.
if anyone knows an online source, i would like to find it.
A webmaster from a Fan site said he could get a copy on VHS for me, so don't worry about unpacking. If it is like my collection, it would be a lot of work and very frustrating. I really enjoyed those TZ, and very few people remember them. The series did not last that long, and I don't think it had good ratings. That normally spells doom for a series.
Twilight Zone dealing with Disfellowshiping
by whyhideit inyears ago i was watching a modern twilight zone, which was titled something like "the invisible man.
" i have seen it mentioned on twilight zone fan sites, but i have never been able to find a copy of it on vhs or dvd.
if anyone knows an online source, i would like to find it.
Years ago I was watching a modern Twilight Zone, which was titled something like "The Invisible Man." I have seen it mentioned on Twilight Zone fan sites, but I have never been able to find a copy of it on VHS or DVD. If anyone knows an online source, I would like to find it. This is a summary of the episode.
It is the future and the government has developed a way of dealing with people they see as not being valuable-members of society. They have standards of how people should feel, and interact with others and they judge and convict people along these standards. The main character does not fit into the standards, so he is judged to be made Invisible. In doing so, the government burns a round circle onto his forehead that means the world should ignore him. If he tries to cover it up, it burns through any thing and exposes itself. Flying police robots fly around the city and make sure that people do not treat this person as a human, or even see or acknowledge his presence. If they do, they risk being made invisible as well.
The man at first takes advantage of this and walks into stores and takes things and destroys things. Nothing happens to him and he thinks he is going to handle this one year conviction with no problem. He does this for weeks and gets drunk, and is basically having his way with what he calls freedom. Soon one day he is walking home to his apartment and some teenagers drive by and nearly hit him. They then see he is invisible and for fun, chase him down with their car and hit him and leave him for dead. Because he is invisible, the people who see it happen have to leave him alone and no one takes him to the hospital. He is messed up and in massive pain, but he manages to make it to the hospital. When he arrives at the hospital bleeding and in need of medical assistance, the people see his mark and ignore him and leave him to die. He ends up having to steal some supplies and spends weeks in massive pain and healing from his wounds. He is screwed up in the mind by this point and a complete mess mentally and physically. He is not even allowed to speak to other invisible people, as this will extend his time as invisible.
The time fast forwards to a year and the government has come to remove his mark. The police then offer to take him for a drink, and he says "no" and they mention that "they always have a drink with the newly returned" and he realizes he has no choice or risk an extended conviction. He then sees his family later and they mention how the Invisible conviction has made him a better man and they are glad it happened and changed him to the standards of society. He seems happy at his return and walks around with smiles and joy. Then one day he is walking along this street and comes across a woman with an Invisible mark and she is crying and looking suicidal. She begs him to listen to her and acknowledge her presence and he walks along as if she is not there. She starts crying louder and shows her pain in tears. He stops and turns around, grabs her and hugs her and says things are going to be okay. The robot police start coming and sirens are sounding and the episode comes to an end.
I was a Witness when I saw this, but now it means a lot to me and I think about it in what it taught. I think the message of making people Invisible is obviously cruel, yet something so feared that people would be afraid to speak out on it and risk being made Invisible themselves. There are many points I could take from it.
Edited by - whyhideit on 23 December 2002 16:55:15
Millions now living, expect to be DA'd
by cyberguy innew strategy to da/df millions who have left.
i'm wondering if there isn't a new policy of da'ing all those who no longer attend or are inactive "publishers" (find that in the bible!).
i've read a number of threads on this board whereby people are now being hunted-down, nazi-fashion, if when queried, "are you one of jw?
Every time I heard a name disfellowshiped I felt a little sad and uneasy with the faith. It just never went down that well, even though we knew it was part of the organization. I mention this, as I have to wonder about this new procedure. How is it going to feel to the active Witnesses and Bible Studies to hear so many names being disfellowshiped? Personally I think it could do a few things.
1. Show to the current Witnesses, how many people have really walked away from the faith they hold so dear and perfect.
2. Stresses out people who were doing just fine without this procedure. This would happen when they suddenly have to treat people who have been out for years, relatives and friends, like they are dead. This could really hurt families with children, spouses, siblings and parents inactive.
3. It could simply just depress people to see old friends names spoken from the platform in such a negative manner.
Let's face it, when you hear a person was executed in Prison, it does not thrill you. You might think, "they got what they deserved," but you have to wonder "does one murder warrant another." In this case, with the Jehovahs Witnesses, you are seeing people punished for simply leaving. Something that was done, in history, when people left the Nazi or Communist parties and other restrictive organization. Let people be, and stop trying to stomp around on power trips. Personally, I would not be surprised to hear about a few elders opening up a can of worms they may be hard pressed to contain. Sometimes it is best to leave the Genie in the bottle.
Edited by - whyhideit on 23 December 2002 15:31:11
How Much Longer Can The WBTS Survive?
by SpannerintheWorks ina 2000-year-old-plus religion cannot survive for much longer!
we are questioning the wbts every day!
the web is a great way of exposing the wbts, and we are doing it daily!.
There is a sucker born every minute. Meaning, do not hold your breath thinking they will go away soon.
How To Get A Good Wife!
by Englishman inwell, this is how you do it according to the bible, and, by implication, jehovah's witnesses too:find an attractive prisoner of war, bring her home, shave her head, trim her nails, and give her new clothes.
(deuteronomy 21:11-13) find a prostitute and marry her.
(hosea 1:1-3) find a man with seven daughters and impress him by watering his flock.
To get a good spouse
Know what you want, listen to what they want and realize you will grow together as long as you communicate on a regular basis. Never see your spouse as your husband, or wife. See them as your best friend.