Yep. This is how most hierarchical-structured organisations & governments keep their monkeys in line. Just set everything up so they will police themselves for fear of being different.
Posts by Ed
Monkey See Monkey Do
by Scorpion instart with a cage containing five monkeys.
inside the cage, hang a. banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it.
before long, a. monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana.
Time travel- if you could...would you?
by freedom96 ini was recently looking at a picture that showed my city almost a hundred years ago.
i started trying to imagine the scene, but in color, and what it would have been like.. they say if time travel was possible, you must be careful, for what you do could alter the future.. though i know it is not possible, i think it would be fantastic to do so.. so, would you do it if you could?
what time era would you go to?.
I would go back to the time of Jesus with a modern Bible translation, and point out to him some of the scriptures people had been killing each other arguing about. And I'd ask him, "Care to be a little more specific?"
Who watched the Jackson Interview ?
by Xandria ini am sitting here watching this shocking interview.
the reporter spent 8 months with this um, person.
i cannot believe how bizarre mr. jackson is.... and it has given me the willies.
From what I saw on the show I think he's basically good-natured, just very very eccentric.
What about the manager of that store, when he went in to buy more stuff? That was really funny. If you pause the tape and magnify the image, you can actually see the dollar signs in his pupils.
Feb 8 Awake! Slags off Internet
by Stephanus in.
p31 at the back has another go at the internet.
it also takes a swipe at other sources of info - other than them, of course!.
...untreated, unfiltered information
Exactly the way it should be.
Double Language
by JH inhow good the jw's are for using the right verse to prove their point.
now a days, a witness could talk about rumours of war(usa and iraq), and use the right verse to prove their point.
when there are no conflicts in the world, they use the verse that says"peace and security".
Customs practised by any other religion are "not authorized by the scriptures", whereas customs practised by JWs are "not forbidden anywhere in the scriptures".
And I was always fascinated by the JWs obsession with demons. They're everywhere, it seems. And if you get hassled by them, that's supposed to mean you need to draw closer to God's Organisation (TM) for protection. So while discussing the topic with several JWs, I mention that I have never seen any evidence of demons nor been the subject of an attack. And what is the reply? "Well if you're not spiritually strong in the organisation, why would they waste their time trying to mislead you?"
Problems with demons = spiritual weakness
No problem with demons = spiritual weakness
Why isn't the Watchtower the true religion?
by StinkyPantz ini have been asked by a jw friend of mine to share with him the reasons why i believe that the watchtower is not the true religion.
what all do you think that i should share with him?.
-i'm going to share the information about their hypocrisy in being a un ngo.
Ask him why there has to be a "One True Religion" any more than there has to be a "One True Baseball Team"
This just bothers me
by whyhideit inabout two years ago a long time friend of the family died in a motorcycle accident.
he was riding down a mountain road, hit some loss gravel and slid at about 60 mph into a tree and died.
i knew this man for years and i know he loved motorcycles.
Ok, you got my vote on "it was God's will". What's the reasoning behind this comment?
I guess some people feel that if something really awful happens, better to have some great purpose behind it than not.
Theocratic Coloring Book
by Valis ini ran accross this oddity...i thought you all might want to grab some images off this site.
sister sharren charboneau has been hard at work with her website and her theocartic coloring book...*lol*......if you go to the bottom of the page you can download them all in zip format....eheheh let the captions commence!!!!.
Did Anyone Ever Like The Dramas?
by minimus inat the district convention, the highlight was always said to be the dramas.
did you really look forward to them?
was there one that ever stood out?
Did the Lot drama include the part with his two daughters?
Unfortunately not. (dammit) That all happened later in the story.
Did Anyone Ever Like The Dramas?
by minimus inat the district convention, the highlight was always said to be the dramas.
did you really look forward to them?
was there one that ever stood out?
Was there one that ever stood out?
One I particularly remember was a re-enactment of the destruction of Sodom. Buckets of water with dry ice to simulate smoke, Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt by suddenly wrapping a white sheet around herself, it was hilarious!