Baihi- here is my side of the story let’s hear yours.
Here are some things to think about.
LDS rely on a 3 children birth rate to support membership in the USA. The JWs lose 2/3 of their children, to support their membership in the USA.
The lds claims a world wide membership of 16 million. When in reality some estimates say it could be as low as 3 million. Those who believe it enough to hold a temple recommend would certainly be lower than that.
We compare this with the JW 8 million world wide. The 3 million and the 8 million are certainly with in range of each other.
Even if 50% of the JW were PIMO. It would make the 3 million lds figure look very believable.
In the country I live in, which is outside the USA. The census shows there are twice as many members claiming to be JWs as the publisher count. However, in recent times the census has shown a drop while publisher count has remained steady. This could be explained as recent leavers are more aware of the BS of watchtower, rather than leaving for more secular reasons, but still identify with it.