Foolednomore: I totally disagree with you. Here is a link to a mormon perspective of membership numbers. It starts at the 1:38 mark.
Some interesting statistics. The 2020 census for Mexico stated that there were 1503909 who identified as JW. That same year Watchtower claimed to have a membership of 864689. This report says the JWs have a 177% truthfulness in reporting its membership in Mexico. Compared 23% for the lds and 102% for the SDA. Another thing that isn’t mentioned is that all 3 religions seem to be with in a ball park figure of each other.
I live in a wealthy western country, and the census figure has always been twice that of what watchtower reports. It’s been like that for decades. Although I can only report of 2 different countries, I have anecdotally heard similar reports from various other parts of the world. The point I’m trying to make is that if Wt were cooking the books with 3mill one would expect for this to be exposed in the census, and this is just not the case.
Ok then let’s look at Mexico and my country from a different perspective, and let’s say Wt is cooking the books by 55% e.g 8mill is actually 3mill. Then that would indicate a huge interest by the public, and certainly room for growth. What option would you like to accept?