This reminds me of a time when, for a bible reading, I took a print out for instead of a physical bible. I remember at the time been told of publicly from the platform not to do it. I remember because I felt so embarrassed. My how times have changed.
JoinedPosts by joe134cd
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
Slim I would go as far to suggest that the JWs could even be bigger than the Mormon church. I heard recently that there could be fewer than 1 million temple recommend holders world wide.
Interesting the lds just built a huge temple on prime piece of land not far from where I live. On the few times I've ventured into the city the temple car park is pretty much empty.
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
However you explain away the high numbers of JWs in census returns, you should also explain why the same factors don’t affect Mormons or other groups.
I like that reply slim. This particular subject fascinates me.
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
t seems that the collation of the reports is accurate at a higher level, but the information reported by individual members is likely more prone to error. This was even more the case when members had to report preaching hours and were incentivised to inflate the figures.
I'm not saying that people don't bullshit about their time in the ministry. But what I am saying is that all this apathy (PIMOs) isn't been reflected in the census. The last census taken, for my country, it is still a solid x2 to what wt says. Clearly the birth/ POMI / fence sitters rate is superseding the apathy that exists with in, as demonstrated by the census. What other conclusion can you come to.
I would estimate the truer figure of JW membership to be sitting around the 10-20million mark. Interesting the lds claims, last time I looked, a membership of 20 million. However activity rates for active membership, is at about 33% or lower =6.6 million LDS world wide The JWs just blow the lds out the door, even with a 25% Pimo rate of the 8.6 million.
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
In the church that I attend no counts are taken. From my observation it's the Pentecostal churches that have the full churches. But as to the quality, with regarding biblical knowledge/ principles, it would be quite a different matter, of the people attending. I think part of the reason for the rise of the charismatic movement is not so much the quality of bible principles but more the entertainment value. Take away the flashing light and the thumping music and they would be having the the same attendance issues as JWs.
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
Jeffro - I agree to a point. But you would think that this would be offset by all the half heartedness, and the growing PIMO population. This hasn't happened as with the case of the census regarding my country and Mexico.
PIMOs aren't identifying as such when given the freedom to do so in the census. Unless the birth rate supersedes the PIMO rate. Another possibility is that there are more POMIs than there are PIMO.
In any case you have anecdotally confirmed that WT is accurate with its counting methods. By agreeing that the census figure aligns with the Wt count, which is roughly x2. Wt under reports it membership, by not including kids. I could list a few other religions where this isn't the won't be unti next years report, for comparison, that we can determine the effect on growth these changes have made.
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
Vidiot2 hours ago
Take any number the Org puts out with a massive grain of salt.
I do believe this to be true. Because if anything, Wt underestimates its numbers. For example I live in what is considered a wealthy western country. For as long as I can remember the census figure for my country has always been twice that stated by Wt. There are 2 conclusions:
(1)PIMOs/ POMOs are choosing not to identify as such, when given the freedom to do so in the census.
(2) As far as my country is concerned the truer figure is twice that stated by watchtower.
Anecdotally I've heard similar accounts in other countries. Here is another example.
New light on including people you have rejected for 27 yrs😳
by dinosarentreal incan anyone point me in the direction of articles to read about the “new light” about hanging out with family members who are not believers?
i left when i was 20, i was disfellowshipped for five years, went back to it for family and left again shortly after.
i never got disfellowshipped again so that i could talk to my parents.
They are running out of people to do their stuff.
by liam inthis is the watchtower study article being studied today.
so it’s the current new light!.
what are the new qualifications to be an “elder-aka older man...and circuit overseer?.
Journeyman- yes I agree it's a little too late to the game. I see in these other churches they try to create a social scene, or an environment, for it youth. Watchtower had said not our responsibility, but step out of line and we'll shun you got it.
Is there a lot of Circuit Overseers that have woken up? I say Yes!
by liam inthere have been a few exjw circuit overseers that have woken up, left the organization and have posted their experience on exjwreddit.
all of them deleted their accounts not long after for fear someone might figure out who they were.
it’s not easy waking up as a circuit overseer.
I knew of a CO, who was having an affair. Was eventually DFed. Left his wife and is now a police officer. Good for him.