Why You ask?
It took me almost 19 years for my husband to see the lies we were force fed. We were basically dumped by the witness when my husband was in a horrible wreck, he had three ruptured disks and two herniated we asked for nothing but some spiritual support. I left him in a hopital after a bad bought of depression (read suicide atempt) called an elder and was lectured that our service time wasn't good enough, our meeting attendance (read HOW DARE YOU TRY To WORK AND SUPPORT YOUR KIDS). I was never good enough in any congregation, nor my family, unless they needed their cars worked on or their houses.
Why do we now celebrae Christmas...because we CAN. Why should I believe ANYTHING thye say, do I feel God will judge me for a freakin tree..NAH if he does I should be waiting in line behind the elders that told my husband he HAD to attend meeting despite his injury, then we he did bitched at him that his getting up to stand to releave the back pain was a distraction. So if they are right and I am wrong so let it be. Do I care that a God that f******UP would judge me NO. But you know I know he isn't I'm including a poem I finally got my husband to let me post on silent lambs. I went there first to vent after learning of the abuse that has happened. We only received the spiritual, mental and physical( the later from his parents). This poem should more than answer your question.
Enjoy youthful soul with eyes trained forward to a false promise. Biblical blinders.
For one with such a promising and bright future, good times were few. Holy halter.
Innocent flesh covered with the scars of self inflicted sin. Witnesses whip.
A back bent under the burden of bearing witness to lies. Evangelical arthritis.
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, five meetings a week. Approved association.
Circuit and district conventions. Myriad on myriad of brothers. So alone in the crowd.
Our years are only 70 or 80 if we have special mightiness. I wasted 20.
I remained apart from the world while. No longer. The dog to its vomit?
I delved into the word and found discrepancies. I wanted to make the Truth my own.
I asked questions. They went unanswered. Accept on faith = comply or else.
From delivering talks from the platform and working the literature counter. Servant.
To bad association publicly reproved. All because I wanted to hear the Truth.
Cast aside, no longer wanted by those representing a loving God. Marked.
God hates a liar, I was that. Millions now living will never die. Bullshit.
I was a liar because I believed and witnessed to the lie. Field service fallacies.
I dont blame God for hating me. I hate myself for my part in the lie. Door to door dupe.
I wonder how many lives my preaching ruined. My wifes.
I will live the rest of my years on this world doubting everything. Color me Thomas.
I will never be taken again. Once bitten twice shy.
I traded Truth for light. Faith for fact. Living for hope is now hoping to live.
70 or 80? Maybe, but not if I have anything to say about it.. I want my 20 back.
I will however shine a light on the darkness that is the organization. Fact, not truth.
Fact doesnt need faith, it stands alone. Right is right.
My flesh is healed, my eyes wander the wonders of life, I stand tall not stooped.
Author: Christopher Madonia