I hope I am turn out as good a Grandma as you are you're also a sweet caring person
<of the wi cnt I sple tdoday clac>
Edited by - SheilaM on 5 January 2003 17:44:1
i'd have loved to have a gran as cool as mouthy (grace) ... surfing the net and stuff!.
what do you think?
I hope I am turn out as good a Grandma as you are you're also a sweet caring person
<of the wi cnt I sple tdoday clac>
Edited by - SheilaM on 5 January 2003 17:44:1
james: .
though i may, on more than a few occasions, have questioned whether or not i wanted to be one of jehovahs witnesses and i may at some point decide that i dont, i can assure you that i would never contact you again.
it is really unfortunate that you felt the need to post our email exchanges on because to be honest with you, i actually thought that you may have been sincerely interested in me as a person.
don't really see what the big deal is with the posting of her e-mail. It is really unfortunate that you felt the need to post our email exchanges on because to be honest with you, I actually thought that you may have been sincerely interested in me as a personChester:
You DON'T think it's a big deal that when someone your corresponding with ASKS you NOT to post an e-mail of their's and you DO!!! Hmmm remind me NEVER to e-mail you. Just because we are trying to helps someone does that mean we don't respect their wishes.
JT I like what you have to say but you could have done this post with out betraying a request of the person your trying to help. For example she gets to thinking about your discussions pops on to the board and see's the post, what do you think she will feel. I know if I wrote a witness about doubts about my apostasy and they were helping me and then posted my e-mail I would be furious and discount whatever they told me.
Edited by - SheilaM on 5 January 2003 17:39:22
(edited twice by me I can't get the friggin quote box right hmmm)
Edited by - SheilaM on 5 January 2003 17:41:9
when you were going from door to door, did you hate knocking at doors in your neighbourhood?
i wonder if the elders did on purpose to distribute territories so that you would have to be working in your neighbourhood.. often i noticed that elders gave me a territory in my neighbourhood, just to see if i would be ill at ease.
maybe they wanted to know if i had worldly friends in my neighbourhood.
We lived first in BFE so we were always in the boonies thunderrider was once chased by a Turkey! In Mass it was local but I didn't know anyone so it wasn't a bother at all.
yesterday morning.
she had a heart attack when she was at dialysis.
thank god, she was already at the hospital.
I'm sorry for you loss, Grandma's are special people. Cherish your memories they will be there forever
<LOL sole sisters>Sure I would love to do the book thing, I am not a "group" person but joined a book group her that one of our good clients belongs to so FAR so good. Just let me know
I can't recall seeing Monterey Ca but may have when I was little I have been in Salinas area lived in Lompoc in the late 60's(think I may have told you this)
i haven't been 'on' as my dad died 12/21 suddenly, before that i was about to do the 'lawsuit thing' to see my granddaughter, then 2 days ago my mother was rushed to the hospital and has had a mild stroke...i am totally out of it...but i do have 'good news'.. i'm going to see my granddaughter!!!!!
turns out, thru all of what's happened lately, i found out that my jw sister lied to my daughter 2 years ago, and she wasn't shunning me, she was upset about the fact my sister lied to her (causing this!
) it always 'comes back' as they say..karma, reaping what you sow, etc., ...thanks to all of you kind people..i can't wait to get back on and read the're doing a great service, to all like and unlike me!
I am so sorry for your loss and wish you the best
finally earned my masters on this board.
it took 15 months of hard posting, but thanks for the honors.. athanasius.
Congratulations!!!!!! on your MasterMember Status
<edited cause you all know I leave letters off words>
Edited by - SheilaM on 5 January 2003 13:16:31
james: .
though i may, on more than a few occasions, have questioned whether or not i wanted to be one of jehovahs witnesses and i may at some point decide that i dont, i can assure you that i would never contact you again.
it is really unfortunate that you felt the need to post our email exchanges on because to be honest with you, i actually thought that you may have been sincerely interested in me as a person.
I am not one to cast blame but she may have been testing you and what do you do you turn around and post her e-mail on the site just as she said you would I know for one I would be mortified if I wrote someone here and they posted a personal e-mail on site.
I love your posts, I am glad you got out but if you spend the time trying to get someone to TRUST you shouldn't you HONOR that trust by not disclosing private correspondence???
Just my two cents I don't mean to offend just make you think
OHMYGODDDDDDDDD!!!!!! We are friggin soul sisters like I said. I am an AVID reader King/Koontz/Steel/Tolkien/Goodkind I love mysteries and one of my FAV books is Steinbeck East of Eden last year I bought a reprint from the 80's of the first edition it is cool original errors and everything. HMMMM could we be long lost sisters???? If you ever wanta chat about books baby I'M there. I have so many books it's funny. Thunderrider is also a reader of course in fact on our honeymoon I read him The Little Prince LOL
HEY let's go shopppin
<of the now the kids are grown letting my hubby support me class>
Welcome Cass
and just kiddin thunderrider
Edited by - SheilaM on 5 January 2003 12:57:20
i don't know if everyone knows, but my boyfriend (alex) bought me a health club membership for my birthday(i asked for one).
so, the package deal he got was a buy 1yr get 2 free deal including 5 free personal training sessions.
well, the first one was easy---------------measurements,weighing in,goals,new diet, and so forth.
Yea!!! Jesika:
I need to get back in to Yoga I really like that alot so does thunderrider. I am negotiationg with my daughter who wants me to go work out at 4AM there are only two things I will do at 4am sex and sleep So, I'm trying to get her to go in the afternoon LOL
I am also doing really good on my weight loss I can't really say diet because I'm just not scarfing away is all and lots of water.
Good luck on your working out