Our caller ID said it was a "wireless" number.
At this point we have no desire to return the call for more information. We just wonder if we are being checked on for some reason.
the caller inquired of mrs.chickennest if she was disfellowshipped?
the caller identified herself with a name we didn't recognize.
when my wife indicated that she was no longer a witness, the call was ended by the caller.
Our caller ID said it was a "wireless" number.
At this point we have no desire to return the call for more information. We just wonder if we are being checked on for some reason.
the caller inquired of mrs.chickennest if she was disfellowshipped?
the caller identified herself with a name we didn't recognize.
when my wife indicated that she was no longer a witness, the call was ended by the caller.
The caller inquired of Mrs.Chickennest if she was disfellowshipped? The caller identified herself with a name we didn't recognize. When my wife indicated that she was no longer a witness, the call was ended by the caller. We have never sought out any old friends from the WT Farm. What could this be about?
it's like that candy bar commercial.
the loud crunching blocks out what the person is saying as you think about the situation.
after my daughter's graduation, people flocked out to the exits and into the halls of the stadium.
I always greet the witnesses anywhere they happen to be. As Hortensia said we are not witnesses anymore so we don't have to play their games. If I see them in our small town witnessing I always wave.
I am sure they are scared to come to this town anyway, where the well known apostates live! I am just trying to remove some of the tension.
i know there are a lot of atheists here, but for those who still believe in god- what do you think of joyce meyer?
from the few times i've seen her i enjoy her sense of humor while preaching.
she seems very down to earth and easy to relate to..
She's cool. Although, I don't care for her commercials at the end of her program hawking her books, etc.
a couple of days ago, i posted a comment for a newbie like me (, and i told him this:.
i try to focus in the few positive aspects of being a jw, and how that can help me to improve myself.
i like to help people too, and that is something that i really enjoy.
I met my lovely wife at the congregation home book study about 30 years ago. From that came our precious daughter.
my dear wife says she has a hard time investing time and money towards hobbies.
my wife was born in to the organization.
she says she still has a difficult time not feeling guilty about activities that would take one away from the preaching work, even though she has made her exit from the organization a long time ago.
My dear wife says she has a hard time investing time and money towards hobbies. My wife was born in to the organization. She says she still has a difficult time not feeling guilty about activities that would take one away from the preaching work, even though she has made her exit from the organization a long time ago. In my opinion it is just another area that the JW organization ruins people for life with its indoctrinations.
so, i keep hearing reference to this.
was this just taking place in really small congregations?
i mean, i know the philosophy behind it; my mom would put a hat on to pray in front on my "unbelieving" dad.
i've come a long way, baby!
i stood for the national anthem for the first time ever at graduation on sunday.. i saluted the flag for the first time ever at a community event last night.. it was surreal and felt wonderful, like i was doing something so natural and good.. when i put my hand over my heart for the first time, it felt very strange.
i had to think for a minute if i used the proper hand over the right place.
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your heartfelt experience! I was such an ass when I was a JW and showed such disrespect for the flag and the national anthem. Oh well, can't go back and undo it.
i'm not necessarily asking for the big stumbling blocks here or things you discovered once you started doing your own research outside the borg.
i'm talking about the smaller things.. for me one thing was the talk of no one being able to become a witness unless "jehovahs drew them to him".
as a born-in this never jived with me.
The abuse of power, the lies, the lack of love for children, the abuse of children, and the ignorance in general of the men leading the no where!