JW Penney's
JoinedPosts by Thechickennest
Speaking of WTBTS illustrations, what's up with all the dress clothes?!
by Lady Zombie ingruesome armageddon illustrations aside, what's up with never drawing women wearing pants (unless they're worldly)?!.
picturing them at the kh is one thing, but picturing "christian" women (i.e.
jw women) outside of the kh wearing dresses is a bit ridiculous.
Elders don't close their eyes when they pray
by outofthebox inwhen i was a hardcore jw, i closed my eyes and paid attention to the prayer, because i believed we were communicating with god.
what a privilege!
now, it has been some time since i closed my eyes when the jws pray.
I followed the example of a curcuit overseer from the early 80's. He did not close his eyes or bow his head when saying a prayer from the platform! He just kind of conjured up a thoughtful stare.....
He gave some of the best prayers I have ever heard. I wonder where Mark is now? He drove new Volvo's.
He was a kind all of his own, and refreshing.
Ugh! Horrible JW forward, only for the strong stomached
by metaspy ini just got this in my email from an elder's wife (she knows i am not going to meetings):.
the cheerful girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five.
I hate forwards. Don't read them. Pissed off my step mother in law so bad we never hear from her because we told her to quit sending forwards. I guess that paid off ok.
Another One Joins JWD
by allgoodthings... ini've been reading threads off and on for about a year now so i feel almost like i know some of you.
i just thought i would take the opportunity to introduce myself to the board.
it's very exciting to join up and become one of you.
Welcome from the Black Hills of South Dakota!
Dating a JW and need some help
by Whizkid ini've been 'going out' with a beautiful girl and we have a great time together.
we have a lot of similar interests and always have stuff to talk/do.
the problem is that she's a jw, and i know there is no way i'm going to become a jw.
I married a very nice Jehovah's Witness girl when she was all of 19 years old.....I know. Anyway, I was a new JW convert a few years earlier at 18 years old. I would not trade what we have had together for over 25 years for anything else in the world. We were the lucky ones. We have had the displeasure of seeing many of our JW friends relationships go very wrong. These were couples that were both JW's and also where one was a JW. Be ready to change everything you have ever known about life to the JW ways if you become one....I know you say that is not going to happen. I could and does happen frequently even among the strongest opposers. If your friend leaves the JW's she will be an outcast forever with her family and friends. The shunning is very real. The costs in these relationships are high stake. You and your girl can debate books and the internet until the cows come home. Just take a good objective look around you on this forum. I think you will be able to benefit from many lifetimes of experiences here that will help you with your decision. Good luck!
Do you believe in Ghosts?
by Thechickennest injust curious.....what is your feelings post witness about the super natural?
Could you elaborate on what you say you have been seeing since you were a child?
My wife, daughter and I once lived in an old two story house in North Dakota. Our daughter was about 8 years old at the time and many years later she told us that an "ugly clown" used to visit her on occasion.
The house did have areas that I was uncomfortable in. I can't explain it but it was so.
Do you believe in Ghosts?
by Thechickennest injust curious.....what is your feelings post witness about the super natural?
Just curious.....what is your feelings post Witness about the super natural?
Society to start laminating paper backed publications
by Lady Zombie inat the wednesday night ministry school meeting, a letter from the society was read announcing that wtbts paperbacked publications will begin to be laminated.
according to the letter, this "will save approximately 2 million dollars per year," "lengthen the life of the publications," and "increase the attractiveness" of the publications.. so there's that.. .
also, will someone please explain to me why 85% of the congregation started smiling and nodding at this.. i sometimes think that headquarters could send the congregations boxes of turds and the jws would act like it was the best thing ever..
Since much of the Watchtower doctrines of prophecy being fulfilled is "invisable"......maybe they were afraid that the covers were going to vaporize if not laminated.
The well is poisen! Why go to a toxic well of a WT convention this summer?
by Thechickennest ini have seen a couple of threads today about ones that went to a convention.
they were complaining that their experience was not good in doing so.
in my opinion when its over its over.
New Light For You: Point well taken, thank you.
The part that seems futile is trying to make part of ones exit from the lie by attending meetings. If one is fading and no one is the wiser, attending a meeting or a convention is benign and it holds out the prospect of on going relations with friends and relatives. To show up at covention and hassle the attendants is another matter.
The well is poisen! Why go to a toxic well of a WT convention this summer?
by Thechickennest ini have seen a couple of threads today about ones that went to a convention.
they were complaining that their experience was not good in doing so.
in my opinion when its over its over.
I have seen a couple of threads today about ones that went to a convention. They were complaining that their experience was not good in doing so. In my opinion when its over its over. Why crawl back to one of these meetings? What is the point? I can see it if one is looking to recover their standing as a JW if this is not the case, give it up! Move on for crying out loud! Leave the rest of the ones still in the collective worship as they please. Its a free country. I am not advocating a return to the damn borg but, why put the life energy into a failing religion that has already robbed a butt load of your life?