My wifes cousin was in this catagory. She was really hard headed too. It was a challege to deal with her. We used to take her to meetings. She would rarely miss a meeting. I think she liked the social aspect of it. I don't think any harm was done however, nothing gained either. It is all a numbers game with the JW's.
JoinedPosts by Thechickennest
JWs and the Mentally Challenged
by almostbitten ini know three women from the local kh (one is a distant relative of mine) who call on my uncle for bible study.
problem is, he has alzheimer's disease--and they were told about this!!!
still, they've been doing studies with him until my aunt (his wife) told them to stop coming by.
Counselled for nodding at a df'd person
by keyser soze ini remember this happening to my dad, when i was just a kid.
there was a disfellowshipped brother in the cong, whom my dad had been friends with.
before the meeting, my dad just nodded hello to him, didn't even say the word.
Jehovah's Witnesses have horrible manners. They miss the "forest for the trees". Yet, they think they are God's chosen people. If there is God that day they will get a shunning, special...just for the cold blooded and ignorant humans they are... " a people for his name".
The ''truth'' that lead me to question the WTS.
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe truth that leads to eternal life says on page 13:.
we need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with whichwe may be associated.
are its teachings in full harmony with god's word, or are they based on the traditions of men?
A Christian:
Your response is so true and so sad. Yes, what can a child do but accept what its parents program it to be? It is depressing to think of how some born ins are sincerely trapped with no hope of escape no matter what they personally believe. It just sucks. Do you think there will ever be an accountability of the men at the reigns of the WT for the lies, misrepresentation, broken families, and broken promises?
The ''truth'' that lead me to question the WTS.
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe truth that leads to eternal life says on page 13:.
we need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with whichwe may be associated.
are its teachings in full harmony with god's word, or are they based on the traditions of men?
a christian:
How in the hell did we swallow all this crap? Was it a mental deficit? Were we inspired? Was it the family in the cult that made us? Were we looking for friends? Were we on drugs? Were there not any other religions or organizations that would fill our spiritual need? Did God want to punish us?
I simply look back and I am amazed that I and so many others swallowed the whole damn deal lock stock and barrell and then defended it to the teeth.
What in the name of God were we doing hauling around all that literture and distributing it, fast, before new stuff came out to do the same with!
We wore out our cars, spent money we did'nt have to attend conventions... in our case at least 400 miles one way!
We sat through hours of canned and boring meetings. Wasted time preparing parts that were to be repeated over and again by different borgs.
We gave our life energy and years of our lives for a friggen lie! We sign off on no blood cards!
We shunned our friend and family!
Appreciated your detail on the 14 points. Made me a little upset though!
so anxious....first joint therapy tomorrow with jw much do I...
by oompa inshare on the first visit?
i am ready to explode!
!.....i am tired of the apostaphone and the double life....i feel like a cheat and haven't even gotten to!
Been there. There might be some surprizes.....It can be a healing thing if all goes well. Hope that you and the wife can establish some common ground and bury the hatchets. Mrs Chickennest and I left the organization at different points. My mental departure was a few years before she decided to join me. It took a lot of time and I respected the time she needed to decide what to do. I was ready for her to pull stakes if that was her decision to choose and stay in with her extended family. We have always been in love, soul mates so to speak, that helped. Our therapist said that our challenges were easier because neither one of us had participated in extra-marrital affairs. We had a small child to raise as well. Having the kid was a bond that held us together and kept us focused on a positive future for the family.....oh ooompa, am I boring you? sorry. I wish you well. You are a good man.
I just want to vomit. I live less than one hour from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. This is not a correct portrait of native american life around here! I am sure most all of the native americans in this area would be insulted by this tract. Why in the hell did they dream up this god-awful tract? Its the weirdest thing I have ever seen from the WT, it takes the prize!
Do active JW's on this forum still practice shunning?
by Thechickennest injust wondering if active jw's on this forum or jw's just watching this board still put into practice in one way or another, shunning?.
what is the motivation do so?
is it to save face or relationships?
Just wondering if active JW's on this forum or JW's just watching this board still put into practice in one way or another, shunning?
If so why? What is the motivation do so? Is it to save face or relationships? Is for a protection? Is it done out of fear? Is it heartfelt? Does it feel like the right thing to do? Do you think the WT is wrong in this policy?
Just curious.
The body of elders are worthless today!
by JK666 inback in the old days, i remember when the elders actually cared about the flock.
i was involved with helping older sisters, (octegenarians, widows) to take them to the grocery store and help them each week.. i remember helping when an older one would fall, and helping clean up the blood, and get there home in order from their return from the hospital.
just a lot of good works.. that stuff is out the window now.
My experience as a witness was over years ago however, I will say this-there is a huge difference in Elders and BOE's. This can make a world of difference in a congregation. In twenty five years I attended eight different congregations due to my employment taking my family and I on serveral moves. The first congregation that I was associated with before I was baptised was full of love and help for everyone. The second congregration I went to after being baptized was so caught up in old ideas and internal struggles there was no time to take care of anyone. The third one was even worse...really bad. The forth one was a great congregation where my wife and I helped many older ones with a number of things, it however, was a very large congregation so it was easy to for older ones or ones with personal challenges of one kind or another to just get lost and overlooked. The BOE's really set the example. "The speed of the leader sets the pace of the pack". If the BOE has a tyrent for a PO it's a bumpy ride for those trying to get help as everything goes under the governing bodies microscope and to hell with compassion, manners, or genuine concern for others.
Great Strides Have been Made!
by Sunspot insince i last posted here, some wonderful blessings have come my way!
my oldest son who i shunned in 1981 and who has since cut me out of his life....has finally "come around" and we are making some real headway towards being in each other's lives again.
he has restored an old 1933 ford jalopy and asked me if i wanted to go for a ride in it with him!
Hi Annie!
Greetings from South Dakota. I don't know you as I am fairly new on this board even though I signed up a few years ago.
I have to say you have made my day and week! It is something we all dream of...having some reconciliation in our lives. I burned a lot of bridges with my extended family and friends when I became a witness. I wish I could go back and fix some things. You have been blessed!
Happy Birthday!
Went to Catholic funeral yesterday- "The Invisible Kingdom"
by Thechickennest inyesterday, i went to a funeral of a long time friend of my extended family.
it was a nice service that lasted about 45 minutes.
there was the usual catholic rituals and communion.
Thank you again for your help. You are correct, some of these questions and answers depend on what I am remembering. I think the preist was making a connection between the Holy Communion and meals. That makes more sense. I need to attend another Catholic funeral now and take some notes!
Thank you for you and your husbands thoughts on this topic. The idea of linking the Kingdom with God's grace no doubt fits. He is further correct in saying JW's cannot grasp the abstract sense of it as they are too literal. 25 years of the Watchtower has messed up my view of things quite a bit. Just when you think you are over the JWism, then something truely spiritual and touching comes along and it gets you to thinking again however, probably in an incorrect sense.
Thanks to you both! Can either of you recommend a good book for me to read to help me understand some of this? This evening I am going to read in the links to Old Light House as well.