It's been 19 years since I resigned from the WT organization. No regrets. Still have ex-inlaws in. Every couple of years I investigate sites that help good folks get out. I am totally agast at the brutal dishonesty of the WT. Still revising thier doctrine to suit themselves. Now, they discourage thier sales force to not read just the Bible, only thier publications. Worst of all they lie, coverup child abuse. No regrets here getting out and staying out!
JoinedPosts by Thechickennest
19 years out and happy as can be
by Thechickennest init's been 19 years since i resigned from the wt organization.
no regrets.
every couple of years i investigate sites that help good folks get out.
Amazing Read,Check this out!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara incurrently reading : 30 years a watchtower slave.
cannot put it down.. this book pre-dates ray franz book "crisis of conscience", written from early 20th century, shortly after the jehovah's witnesses were formed.
the author describes the original true background of the watchtower society as a multi-million dollar publishing company.
JWs refer to themselves as "Publishers" of the Good News.
a person or company that prepares and issues books, journals, music, or other works for sale.
When I was going over "the questions" before being baptized, I asked the elder: "what is a publisher?' I probably knew what his answer would be. I am a very logical person. I couldn't visualize how I could be a person that would print and publish books. I wanted a logical explanation which never came. I was told by the elder it was a "JW that kept track of the time spent speaking to non JWs." Oddly, all it really was; simply JW speak applied to the incorrect term. I feel we should have been called associates or representatives. Not Jehovah's Witness publishers. Still doesn't make sense to me to this day! I went ahead anyway to be baptized even though I wasn't the publisher. Hence, I really became a salesman, employees for free of a corporation. I attended all the sales meetings locally, regionally. I visited the home office on occasion. I was applied for promotions to commit extra time sell publications and recruit other sales persons. I went to weekly training meetings at a school to listen to and participate in skits, skits critized by already top sales people. I wore my out clothes, automobiles, and my body. I ignored my job at times in order to spend additional time working for free. I endangered my life and my families lives by adhearing to the company health plan rules on blood. Oh, my goodness, what was wrong with me?
Do You Trump Should Have Exterminated That Poor Iranian Fellow?
by minimus ingood move or bad?
Old skinny San Fran nervous Nan should have just impeached that Iranian.
In 2015 Governing Body announces expansion all around the world...On second thought....Never Mind A Letter From the Governing Body
by RULES & REGULATIONS in2015 yearbook of jehovah’s witnesses.
a letter from the governing body.
''we also deeply appreciated your “loving labor” in connection with the construction of various theocratic facilities around the world.
I separated from the corporation many years ago both mentally and otherwise. All said and done nonetheless, the blistering truth about how this organization reworked itself to a consortium of legal enmities with no love left to offer is upsetting to me. Do any of you on here believe if Franz had been listened to instead of thrown out in the seventies, the outcome of this wholesale change of the organization in past decade would have turned out differently? Would the pedophilia been addressed? Would the old misguided doctrine been changed? I first started attending meetings when I was in my late teens in a small congregation. The entire atmosphere and very being of organization totally different from what it has become now. I came back here to this site recently to learn the way things turned out organizationally. I'm a little taken back by what I have learned. I am glad I didn't stick around for this change. I'm appalled at the greed, cover ups, how many victoms of pedophilia are involved, my list could go on and on.
Four decades later....
by Thechickennest ini want to extend my greetings to all of you.
i have been a member here for many years.
it's been 15 years since my ex-wife and i resigned from the watchtower organization.
Thanks Petra, I appreciate your comment. I hit like too many times! I'm on mobile phone with minimal signal.
Four decades later....
by Thechickennest ini want to extend my greetings to all of you.
i have been a member here for many years.
it's been 15 years since my ex-wife and i resigned from the watchtower organization.
I want to extend my greetings to all of you. I have been a member here for many years. It's been 15 years since my ex-wife and I resigned from the Watchtower organization. I am retired. My ex is semi-retired. In past decade and a half we were busy living life benignly, quietly, happily. We stopped meetings almost altogether about 30 years ago when the congregation started floating the gossip that our toddler child was the child from hell. Yes, our child was full of life, energy beyond normal perhaps. The congregation was sure we didn't know to how beat our child into submission. It was a conflict because we didn't agree with the membership. We got a professional properly credentionaled Dr. of Psychology to help us in our parenting rather than going through Quack JW practitioner's of "counseling" one's with janitorial services experience. The real doctor helped us to appreciate that our child would never sit still and pay attention to anything in normal sense. He said she would never respond positively to corporal punishments advocated by many Watchtower member's, by weaponizing the scriptures. The rest of this story is we raised our child with the help of "worldly secular" medical professionals. She became an excellent student in school up to and through college. She became degreed in the medical field and presently has a great job with benefits she loves, a spouse. She's a very happy well adjusted adult. Everyone that knows her, loves her! No, she's not from hell but, is a wonderful person to know. She's sits on the board of the local Homeless Shelter, advocates for children's rights and health concerns. She is a "mandatory reporter" because of the nature of her medical occupation. She has to report folks that exploit and abuse adults and children. She belongs to a church. She's a youth counselor in that church. It's unthinkable how things might have turned out for her if we had continued in the ways and direction of the Watchtower. I am certain she would have become another statistical catastrophic messed up teenager that bolted from the Watchtower in her teenage years, became ostrizised by us as her parents and the other cult members. Okay, the lesson here is we didn't stick around for the promise of a paradise on Earth that to date hasn't materialized. Meanwhile, the cult has kept moving the goalposts for such promised events. I am happy after many years of not thinking of frequently coming to this site for reasons of just moving forward with life in a postitive way. It kept us busy having a nice life outside of the Watchtower! Thanks to this site, reading Crises of Consciousness book, seeing good people here having experiences much like ours in the cult, helped us to get out and stay out! Thank you so much!
Creepy display
by neat blue dog in.
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
OMG! I have been out for a long time. Reminds me of the "Stepford Wives or Westworld movies. Super creepy display. I am glad to be off the Watchtower merry-go-round.
Bethel snobs tell me off for wearing Rebooks and polo shirt to Bethel! Next time I'm going Nude!
by Witness 007 in2007 so we go on holidays and my wife decided to visit bethel.....i wasn't even planning to go to the meetings, so i put on running shoes, blue slacks, and a light blue polo shirt....clean a "worldly" person i would look neat and tidy....a bit of a nerd even!
to bethelites i looked like a slob giving the finger to jehovah!
one bethelite girl asked my wife if we were "newly interested.
It does look like Tom Hanks! Poor Tom....resistance was futile!
Update: Mrs. Chickennest's cancer
by Thechickennest inmy dear wife has undergone three rounds of chemotherapy as an inpatient at the mayo clinic in the past two months.
we are returning to minnesota/mayo clinic this saturday.
she will begin seven weeks of chemotherapy/radiation.
Here it is more than a year later since I wrote about this. My 40 some year-old wife went through hell for over a year with very intense radiation treatments and chemotherapy. The cancer is in remission! She was considered terminal from the start and now she is cancer free! Her body has taken a beating from the cancer treatments and she will never be the same but, she is alive and has a life again! If she was a still a witness she would have died in the first couple months of treatments. She had 26 units of blood and components of blood during the radiation and chemotherapy. Her witness mother only sent her one card during the whole ordeal. Her other siblings still in JW world did not even contact her. This treatment from her JW extented family really opened up to us how J. witnesses really do practice hate. What kind of inhumans does it take to shun a close family member when when the chips are down? Jehovah's Witness inhumans is the correct answer! Jehovah's Witnesses and JW relatives and freindsDO PRACTICE HATEwithout exception. My wife is one of the nicest persons you could ever know. Thanks for all your prayers. They were answered!
Bethel snobs tell me off for wearing Rebooks and polo shirt to Bethel! Next time I'm going Nude!
by Witness 007 in2007 so we go on holidays and my wife decided to visit bethel.....i wasn't even planning to go to the meetings, so i put on running shoes, blue slacks, and a light blue polo shirt....clean a "worldly" person i would look neat and tidy....a bit of a nerd even!
to bethelites i looked like a slob giving the finger to jehovah!
one bethelite girl asked my wife if we were "newly interested.
All my ties, all my suits, all my dress shoes, all the haircuts, etc, none of it made me a better or, more acceptable witness in my own eyes or anyone elses for that matter. Money and life/time donations is what makes the witness. The clothes are just the cult part. Oh yeah, don't forget the fuel and the four door sedan! What's to see at Bethel anyway? My wife and I went there a couple of times. The visitors and the upper crust residents were the only ones in ties and dress clothes! Bethel SNOB'S says it all!