Live in peace knowing that a tiny tribal war god is in no way responsible for the reality of conscious existence.
i was raised as a jw from the age of 4, my father was an elder for 18 years, was a auxillary pioneer for years, been there done all that and decided to leave at age 30, i have chosen a pagan path and am very happy but sometimes i feel guilty for no reason, does anyone else ever have this problem?
if you do, how do you handle it?
Live in peace knowing that a tiny tribal war god is in no way responsible for the reality of conscious existence.
in mark 13:30, matt.
24:34, and matt.
23:36 the bible makes the following statement: .
In my opinion what you're struggling with is simply words on the pages of some archaic old book someone told you was important.
Earnestly investigating into the Divine is a journey far, far wider and deeper than this.
Good luck.
someone on another site was asking "what if they are right?
" which made me think about why i know that they are not and i wondered what was your epiphany or road to damascus moment or moments that just made you realise - hey i've been led up the garden path here!.
here was my response but i really think a list of reasons on one thread for easy reference for newbies would be good.
There can come a time when the wondrous and infinite nature of existence is mysteriously felt; and in that moment it is clearly seen that attributing the beauty of Infinity to a tiny tribal war god (or any deity) is grossly disrespectful, harmful, and insane.
There is no question that all gods and deities are simply flaccid creations of the mind which when believed in as real, only numb and blind us to the bottomless and vibrant reality of the present moment. They are lies which hide the truth.
I stopped believing because I chose reality.
i wanted to get your thoughts on the claim that pharaoh's drowned army was discovered.
the claim comes from ron wyatt.
he seems to have a cult following and some critics to his claims.
Welcome, Abishai.
Is it important to you that the Bible be proven correct?
i know we were sold a lie in believing god was only dealing with the wt and to obey them is to obey god.
what puzzels me is that in rejecting the wt so many also reject their belief in god.
surely they believed that god existed as witnesses.
Welcome to the forum, Bob.
What puzzels me is that in rejecting the WT so many also reject their belief in God.
What is this "God" you think others are rejecting? The murderous-anthropomorphic-tribal-war-deity found within the pages of the bible? Is this what you mean?
For some it is clearly realized that any and all deities are too limited and moronic to have anything to do with the existence of Reality. So they simply stop believing in them. Besides, beliefs are only shallow mental images, anyway. You're not letting go of anything real.
What you are interpreting as a puzzling, may actually be the sign of awakening intelligence; for certainly if there is a true God it must be far, far grander than any little deity the mind creates.
Perhaps you are heading in this direction yourself, which is why you bring up the question. Watch out, you may awaken one day to find yourself an atheist; and in my opinion you will then be open to a far vaster sense of the Divine; one too, too vast for the mind to grasp.
if (for the sake of argument for those who believe in god) there was no god, and no human being who ever lived had ever come up with or even had a concept of god or a higher being.
where do you think we as human beings would be today.
what do you think our history would be like, and our future?
We are, actually, walking from one error to another. The uncomfort of the present error keeps us moving on to the next error. Truth, if actually attained, would be the end of man.
Certainly we walk from one mistaken concept into another, as all concepts are innately untrue. But reality, truth, we never leave. We just don't see it because of our tenacious addition to concepts.
So, yes, in a way Truth is the end of man, or perhaps better said: the end of all man believes or conceptualizes itself to be. It's not a problem. Take away what is untrue, and truth remains.
if (for the sake of argument for those who believe in god) there was no god, and no human being who ever lived had ever come up with or even had a concept of god or a higher being.
where do you think we as human beings would be today.
what do you think our history would be like, and our future?
how far do you think we would have got with that attitude in the stone ages?
I don't imagine the validity of truth over lies was any less significant and beneficial then than now.
if (for the sake of argument for those who believe in god) there was no god, and no human being who ever lived had ever come up with or even had a concept of god or a higher being.
where do you think we as human beings would be today.
what do you think our history would be like, and our future?
Where would we be now if there was never a concept of God?
Interesting question.
First, a concept of God is merely a mentally created fake and forgery; an untruth. Certainly our actual Source and Sustenance (what the word G-O-D points to) must be the ultimate Reality.
Obviously I can not say for certain, but it seems intuitively obvious that if we spent less time and effort with lies, we would meet more frequently with truth.
In my opinion it's our limited and grossly diminished concepts of a god -- which results in us acting like shivering little dogs.
In other words: void of illusory concepts of God, we may have more opportunity to realize the immediate truth of God.
have you ever wondered why jesus did not put anything in writing?
he was here to explain his father to us and teach us how to gain salvation.
wouldn't it have been a good thing to write his instructions down, rather than leave it up to others many years later?
Sounding like an arrogant ass, I'll say that it is sadly amusing to watch people as they feebly but sincerely attempt to support their cherished little son of a murderous tribal god, as being somehow real and in some way responsible for the existence of a wondrous and infinite universe.
As they say: if tricycles worshipped a god, it would have three wheels.
I pray for the day people get their heads out of the dense muck of "holy" scriptures, and enter into the reality of the present moment, that they realize a truly unending and unimaginable sense of the Divine.
one thing many jw's could do was quote jesus, although whether or not they lived up to the so-called 'christian ideal' is questioned by most of us.
conversely, many others who call themselves christians are much nicer people!
they love, they are generous, charitable and willing to give - but they are unlikely to be as familiar as we are with the details of jesus life and ministry as recorded in the bible.. i don't have a problem with that, it's what people do that matters!.
In order to raise one man to a pinnacle of holiness requires lowering the entire rest of the universe. This is a very high price to pay for a personal little deity, and perhaps, just perhaps, more and more are beginning to realize it.....if even subconsciously.